Adnan K. Abdulla

List of John Benjamins publications for which Adnan K. Abdulla plays a role.

Alowais, Fatima A. and Adnan K. Abdulla 2022 Translators’ ideology in Shakespeare’s OthelloFORUM 20:1, pp. 1–23 | Article
The phenomenon that this study seeks to investigate is viewed in many different ways by scholars of Translation Studies. Sometimes, it is seen as “mediation”, or “intervention” and other times, it is seen as sheer “manipulation”, however, these terms all seem to describe the shifts that are… read more
Abdulla, Adnan K. 2001 Rhetorical Repetition in Literary TranslationBabel 47:4, pp. 289–303 | Article
Abstract Repetition or reiteration is a phenomenon common in language, music, religion, and literature, and has been studied extensively by linguists and rhetoricians. Unfortunately, it has not been investigated in Translation Studies because repetition is essentially an aspect of comparative… read more
Abdulla, Adnan K. 1999 Aspects of Ideology in Translating LiteratureBabel 45:1, pp. 1–16 | Article
Abstract Although there are many meanings associated with "ideology", both Marxist and Humanistic associations of the term are ignored since they regard it as a term of abuse. Instead, the meaning associated with critical linguistics is adopted as it refers to the propositions or assumptions we… read more
Abdulla, Adnan K. 1994 The translation of styleLanguage, Discourse and Translation in the West and Middle East, Beaugrande, Robert de, Abdullah Shunnaq and Mohamed Helmy Heliel (eds.), pp. 65 ff. | Article