Ebru Diriker
List of John Benjamins publications for which Ebru Diriker plays a role.
De-/Re-Contextualizing Conference Interpreting: Interpreters in the Ivory Tower?
Ebru Diriker
[Benjamins Translation Library, 53] 2004. x, 223 pp.
Subjects Altaic languages | Discourse studies | Interpreting | Pragmatics | Translation Studies
Simultaneous interpreting experience enhances the use of case markers for prediction in Turkish Interpreting 25:2, pp. 186–210 | Article
2023 This study investigated individual differences in prediction during language comprehension in professional and student Turkish (A)–English (B) simultaneous interpreters as a function of simultaneous interpreting (SI) experience and working memory capacity (WMC). A Turkish visual-world… read more
On the evolution of the interpreting profession in Turkey: From the dragomans to the 21st century Tradition, Tension and Translation in Turkey, Tahir Gürçağlar, Şehnaz, Saliha Paker and John Milton (eds.), pp. 89–106 | Article
2015 This article examines the historical evolution and current status of conference and community interpreting in Turkey, while also highlighting the legal frameworks, fields of practice, professional organizations, training opportunities, and future directions for each area of interpreting. In… read more
In memoriam Elif Daldeniz Baysan Tradition, Tension and Translation in Turkey, Tahir Gürçağlar, Şehnaz, Saliha Paker and John Milton (eds.), p. | Miscellaneous
2015 Simultaneous conference interpreting and technology Handbook of Translation Studies: Volume 1, Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), pp. 329–332 | Article
2010 Exploring conference interpreting as a social practice: An area for intra-disciplinary cooperation Beyond Descriptive Translation Studies: Investigations in homage to Gideon Toury, Pym, Anthony, Miriam Shlesinger † and Daniel Simeoni (eds.), pp. 209–220 | Article