Maria Clements
List of John Benjamins publications for which Maria Clements plays a role.
Chapter 7. Testing the predictions of the Scalpel Model in L3/Ln acquisition: The acquisition of null and overt subjects in L3 Chinese Meaning and Structure in Second Language Acquisition: In honor of Roumyana Slabakova, Cho, Jacee, Michael Iverson, Tiffany Judy, Tania Leal and Elena Shimanskaya (eds.), pp. 181–202 | Chapter
2018 The Scalpel Model (SM) (Slabakova, 2017) argues that neither the L1 nor the L2 has a privileged status in L3 acquisition so transfer can occur from either the L1 or the L2 and on a property-by-property basis. We tested these predictions by examining the acquisition of Chinese null and overt… read more
Reexamining the acquisition of null subject pronouns in a second language: Focus on referential and pragmatic constraints Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 7:1, pp. 33–62 | To be specified
2017 This study re-examines the L2 acquisition of referential and pragmatic properties of null and overt subject pronouns by advanced English learners of Spanish under the assumption that both forms display levels of complexity at the syntax–pragmatics interface. Our main hypothesis is that null… read more