Frank Jansen
List of John Benjamins publications for which Frank Jansen plays a role.
How bulleted lists and enumerations in formatted paragraphs affect recall and evaluation of functional text Information Design Journal 21:2, pp. 146–162 | Article
2014 The influence of the bulleted list format on recall and evaluation of functional text (i.e., health flyers, direct mail letters, and recipes) is investigated in five studies in which the same series of components, formatted as enumerations in a paragraph, function as the control condition. In… read more
Conciseness, an outsider’s perspective and a smooth intonation contour: A comparison of appositions in press releases and news stories based upon them The discourse of news management, Jacobs, Geert and Henk Pander Maat (eds.), pp. 115–142 | Article
2008 It is the desk editor’s task to revise the press releases presented to the newspaper in order to get news stories that are fit to print. What does that mean: Revise? This question is answered by a corpus study of appositions in press releases and the news stories that are based on them. The… read more
Collaborative problem description in help desk calls Calling for Help: Language and social interaction in telephone helplines, Baker, Carolyn, Michael Emmison and Alan Firth (eds.), pp. 63–89 | Article
2005 Subject–Object ambiguities in spoken and written Dutch Linguistics in the Netherlands 2005, Doetjes, Jenny and Jeroen van de Weijer (eds.), pp. 99–109 | Article
2005 Elektronisch Schrijven In Het Echt, In Het Onderwijs En Als Onderzoeksobject Kijk op schrijven in T1 en T2, pp. 67–73 | Article
2004 In this contribution, I give a sketchy account, based on personal experiences, of four characteristics of electronic texts and the problems they pose for composers and readers: 1. Discussion lists on Internet forums, and the problem of recovering interesting fragments; 2. The (overused) bulleted… read more
Does the chronology principle operate on sentence level? Evidence from the distribution of adverbial PP’s Linguistics in the Netherlands 2004, Cornips, Leonie and Jenny Doetjes (eds.), pp. 125–133 | Article
2004 Sentence processing theories and the position of complex constituents in Dutch texts Linguistics in the Netherlands 2003, Cornips, Leonie and Paula Fikkert (eds.), pp. 83–92 | Article
2003 6.4 The codification of usage by labels A Practical Guide to Lexicography, Sterkenburg, Piet van (ed.), pp. 297–311 | Chapter
2003 Preposed adverbial phrases in Dutch texts: Evidence for the Left–Right Principle or for Linear Modification? Linguistics in the Netherlands 2002, Broekhuis, Hans and Paula Fikkert (eds.), pp. 97–106 | Article
2002 The textlinguistic function of attributive past participles Linguistics in the Netherlands 2001, Wouden, Ton van der and Hans Broekhuis (eds.), pp. 151–158 | Article
2001 7. The lack of clarity in a sentence: The style of official documents in Dutch Reading and Writing Public Documents, Janssen, Daniël and Rob Neutelings (eds.), pp. 125–145 | Chapter
2001 Present participles as iconic expressions The Motivated Sign, Fischer, Olga and Max Nänny (eds.), pp. 277–288 | Article
2001 Onaantastbaar Engels. De Houding Tegenover Vernederlandste Spelling Van Engelse en Franse Leenwoorden Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 35, pp. 48–58 | Article
1989 The official rules for the orthography prescribe dutchified forms for some loanwords and source language orthographies for others. Experts feel that this deficiency of the spelling system is the most obvious candidate for a forth-coming revision. In this paper we examine a source of variation in… read more
The interplay between diachronic linguistics and dialectology: Some refinements of Trudgill’s formula Papers from the Third International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Hamburg, August 22–26 1977, Maher, J. Peter, Allan R. Bomhard and E.F.K. Koerner † (eds.), pp. 11–38 | Article
1982 Developments in the dutch left-dislocation structures and the verb-second constraint Papers from the Fourth International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Stanford, March 26–30 1979, Traugott, Elizabeth Closs, Rebecca Labrum and Susan C. Shepherd (eds.), pp. 137–149 | Article
1980 De Relatie Potentiële - Gerealiseerde Konstruktie Als Meetprobleem in de Sociolinguistische Benadering Van de Syntaksis Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 4, pp. 20–37 | Article
1978 F. Jansen:The relation between potential and realised constructions as measuring problem in the sociolinguistic approach of syntax This paper aims at drawing attention to some differences between words and sentences which make a sociolinguistic investigation into syntactic variation more difficult… read more