Christina Ljungberg

List of John Benjamins publications for which Christina Ljungberg plays a role.

Book series

Iconicity in Cognition and across Semiotic Systems

Edited by Sara Lenninger, Olga Fischer, Christina Ljungberg and Elżbieta Tabakowska

[Iconicity in Language and Literature, 18] 2022. x, 411 pp.
Subjects Semiotics | Theoretical linguistics | Theoretical literature & literary studies

Operationalizing Iconicity

Edited by Pamela Perniss, Olga Fischer and Christina Ljungberg

[Iconicity in Language and Literature, 17] 2020. xii, 331 pp.
Subjects Theoretical linguistics | Theoretical literature & literary studies

Dimensions of Iconicity

Edited by Angelika Zirker, Matthias Bauer, Olga Fischer and Christina Ljungberg

[Iconicity in Language and Literature, 15] 2017. xiv, 351 pp.
Subjects Semiotics | Theoretical linguistics | Theoretical literature & literary studies

Iconic Investigations

Edited by Lars Elleström, Olga Fischer and Christina Ljungberg

[Iconicity in Language and Literature, 12] 2013. x, 357 pp.
Subjects Semiotics | Theoretical linguistics | Theoretical literature & literary studies
Subjects Cognition and language | Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Semiotics | Theoretical literature & literary studies

Semblance and Signification

Edited by Pascal Michelucci, Olga Fischer and Christina Ljungberg

[Iconicity in Language and Literature, 10] 2011. xii, 427 pp.
Subjects Semiotics | Theoretical linguistics | Theoretical literature & literary studies


Edited by C. Jac Conradie, Ronél Johl, Marthinus Beukes, Olga Fischer and Christina Ljungberg

[Iconicity in Language and Literature, 9] 2010. x, 420 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Semiotics | Theoretical linguistics

Insistent Images

Edited by Elżbieta Tabakowska, Christina Ljungberg and Olga Fischer

[Iconicity in Language and Literature, 5] 2007. xiii, 361 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Syntax
Ljungberg, Christina 2020 Crisscrossing James Joyce’s Ulysses: Chiasmus and cognitionOperationalizing Iconicity, Perniss, Pamela, Olga Fischer and Christina Ljungberg (eds.), pp. 199–210 | Chapter
Chiasmus fundamentally involves iconicity. As a bi-lateral symmetrical figure that can have both an ornamental and a rhetorical function, it occurs on all levels of texts–sounds and graphemes, words, sentences, lines, chapters and entire books as well as on the narrative and on the conceptual level. read more
Ljungberg, Christina 2011 Unbinding the text: Intermedial iconicity in Peter Greenaway’s Prospero’s BooksSemblance and Signification, Michelucci, Pascal, Olga Fischer and Christina Ljungberg (eds.), pp. 369–388 | Article
Intermediality concerns either the transgression of the boundaries between conventionally distinct media or the iconic enactment of one medium within another. How does this function in such a complex multimedia work as Prospero’s Books, Peter Greenaway’s film adaptation of Shakespeare’s The… read more
Ljungberg, Christina 2010 The bell jar, the maze and the mural: Diagrammatic figurations as textual performanceSignergy, Conradie, C. Jac, Ronél Johl, Marthinus Beukes, Olga Fischer and Christina Ljungberg (eds.), pp. 47–72 | Article
The practices and processes by which various forms of signs are generated, for example, the cartographical procedure by which maps are drawn, more generally, the diagrammatic ones by which networks of relationships are iconically represented, are themselves performances (maps are always both the… read more
Ljungberg, Christina 2007 ‘Damn mad’: Palindromic figurations in literary narrativesInsistent Images, Tabakowska, Elżbieta, Christina Ljungberg and Olga Fischer (eds.), pp. 247–265 | Article
Palindromes are chiastic figurations that arrest the habitual tempo-linear sequence of language and, in so doing, focus attention on the very act of signification. In narrative, they often prove pivotal for the overall structure of the text, going far beyond mere wordplay or verbal virtuosity.… read more
Ljungberg, Christina and Elżbieta Tabakowska 2007 Introduction: Insistent ImagesInsistent Images, Tabakowska, Elżbieta, Christina Ljungberg and Olga Fischer (eds.), pp. 1–14 | Miscellaneous
Ljungberg, Christina 2005 Photographs in narrativeOutside-In — Inside-Out, Maeder, Costantino, Olga Fischer and William J. Herlofsky (eds.), pp. 133–149 | Article
Ljungberg, Christina 2003 Diagrams in narrative: Visual strategies in contemporary fictionFrom Sign to Signing, Müller, Wolfgang G. and Olga Fischer, pp. 183–199 | Article
Ljungberg, Christina 2001 Iconic dimensions in Margaret Atwood’s poetry and proseThe Motivated Sign, Fischer, Olga and Max Nänny (eds.), pp. 351–366 | Article