Leonie Cornips

List of John Benjamins publications for which Leonie Cornips plays a role.


Subjects Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

Cross-linguistic Influence in Bilingualism: In honor of Aafke Hulk

Edited by Elma Blom, Leonie Cornips and Jeannette Schaeffer

[Studies in Bilingualism, 52] 2017. vi, 358 pp.
Subjects Language acquisition | Multilingualism | Theoretical linguistics

Syntax and Variation: Reconciling the Biological and the Social

Edited by Leonie Cornips and Karen P. Corrigan

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 265] 2005. vi, 312 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Theoretical linguistics

Linguistics in the Netherlands 2004

Edited by Leonie Cornips and Jenny Doetjes

[Linguistics in the Netherlands, 21] 2004. viii, 229 pp.
Subjects Theoretical linguistics

Linguistics in the Netherlands 2003

Edited by Leonie Cornips and Paula Fikkert

[Linguistics in the Netherlands, 20] 2003. viii, 225 pp.
Subjects Theoretical linguistics
Cornips, Leonie and Petra Sleeman 2024 Variation in the use of the partitive pronoun ER in regional (Heerlen) standard DutchMethods for Studying Variation in Partitives, Sleeman, Petra and Anne Tamm (eds.), pp. 262–296 | Article
This paper focuses on the variable use of partitive er in two types of constructions. First, er combined with cardinal numbers like drie ‘three’ and quantifiers like genoeg ‘enough’. Second, er combined with an elliptical noun referring to age and weight. Er should be present in the first case… read more
Cornips, Leonie, Ana Deumert and Alastair Pennycook 2024 Posthumanism and pragmaticsHandbook of Pragmatics: 27th Annual Installment, Vandenbroucke, Mieke, Jana Declercq, Frank Brisard and Sigurd D’hondt (eds.), pp. 169–185 | Chapter
This paper seeks to explore what happens when research methods predominantly reserved for the human animal are applied to study behavior of other animals. Specifically, we apply conversation analysis to investigate play fighting behavior of piglets in industrial-rearing conditions through three… read more
This article examines how inhabitants of Heerlen, a town in the province of Limburg in the southeast of the Netherlands, renew the cultural memory of coal mining in the area through parodic linguistic and cultural practices linked to the (re)articulation of collective local and social identities. read more
Cornips, Leonie and Vincent A. de Rooij 2020 Sociolinguistic enregisterment through languagecultural practicesAdvances in Contact Linguistics: In honour of Pieter Muysken, Smith, Norval, Tonjes Veenstra and Enoch O. Aboh (eds.), pp. 341–364 | Chapter
This chapter will explore the effects of the sociolinguistic enregisterment of Heerlen Dutch in the carnivalesque summer song Naar Talië/Naar Talia ‘To (I)taly’, performed and uploaded onto YouTube by a band called the Getske Boys. The Getske Boys is a group of three male performers who, by… read more
Cornips, Leonie 2019 The final frontier: Non-human animals on the linguistic research agendaLinguistics in the Netherlands 2019, Berns, Janine and Elena Tribushinina (eds.), pp. 13–19 | Article
Auer, Peter and Leonie Cornips 2018 Chapter 4. Cité Duits: A polyethnic miners’ varietyThe Sociolinguistics of Place and Belonging: Perspectives from the margins, Cornips, Leonie and Vincent A. de Rooij (eds.), pp. 55–88 | Chapter
In the late 1930s and 1940s, locally born children of immigrant coal miners in Tuinwijk, a neighborhood in the village of Eisden in Belgian Limburg, developed a way of speaking among themselves which they later labelled Cité Duits. Having become coal miners themselves, they continued to use Cité… read more
Cornips, Leonie 2018 Chapter 2. Bilingual child acquisition through the lens of sociolinguistic approachesBilingual Cognition and Language: The state of the science across its subfields, Miller, David, Fatih Bayram, Jason Rothman and Ludovica Serratrice (eds.), pp. 15–36 | Chapter
This paper entails a perspective on bilingual child acquisition through the lens of sociolinguistic approaches. A discussion of the concepts of monolingual language ideology and power dynamics is undertaken in order to reveal their important consequences on studying bilingual child acquisition, in… read more
Cornips, Leonie and Vincent A. de Rooij 2018 Chapter 1. Introduction: Belonging through linguistic place-making in center-periphery constellationsThe Sociolinguistics of Place and Belonging: Perspectives from the margins, Cornips, Leonie and Vincent A. de Rooij (eds.), pp. 1–14 | Chapter
Blom, Elma, Leonie Cornips and Jeannette Schaeffer 2017 Cross-linguistic influence in bilingualism: Festschrift for Aafke HulkCross-linguistic Influence in Bilingualism: In honor of Aafke Hulk, Blom, Elma, Leonie Cornips and Jeannette Schaeffer (eds.), pp. 1–14 | Chapter
The main questions of this paper are whether children acquire adults’ variable V1-V2/V2-V1 word order in the perfective two-verb cluster simultaneously with a rigid V1-V2 word order in the modal two-verb cluster from start of the acquisition process. The experimental results show that children… read more
The paper reports on a cross-linguistic study on speech data produced by monolingual and bilingual Dutch and Danish teenagers. The prediction that both monolingual and bilingual Danish youngsters show less variation in grammatical gender due to more morphological input cues for gender in Danish… read more
This study focuses on the relationship between dialect use and the acquisition of standard Dutch vocabulary by young children in the Dutch province of Limburg.1 The results of a newly-developed dialect expressive vocabulary task show extensive inter-individual variation that does not support a… read more
Jongbloed-Faber, Lysbeth, Jolie van Loo and Leonie Cornips 2017 Regional languages on Twitter: A comparative study between Frisian and LimburgishDutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 6:2, pp. 174–196 | Article
This paper addressed the question how the use of Dutch and the regional languages Frisian or Limburgish differ on Twitter and which patterns in language choice can be identified. Previous quantitative studies (Jongbloed-Faber, Van de Velde, Van der Meer & Klinkenberg, 2016; Nguyen, Trieschnigg &… read more
This paper has two aims:* first, to emphasize how the linguistic input to which children are exposed is inherently variable and complex. To this end, we will discuss two particular phenomena in Dutch, namely Aux+Inf and gender marking in DP’s. These phenomena lend themselves to a comparison in… read more
Cornips, Leonie 2014 Language contact, linguistic variability and the construction of local identitiesThe Sociolinguistics of Grammar, Åfarli, Tor A. and Brit Mæhlum (eds.), pp. 67–90 | Article
This paper focuses on “old” bidialectal and “new” bilingual language contact settings in the Netherlands combining insights from theoretical linguistics and sociolinguistics. It highlights some surprising conditions for language variation, namely the observation that in the bidialectal contact… read more
Aacquisition of the grammatical gender of the Dutch definite common determiner de and neuter het is a long-lasting process since monolingual children do not acquire a target grammar with respect to the use of het until the age of six. Before that age, they overuse de. Bilingual child acquirers from… read more
Cornips, Leonie and Vincent A. de Rooij 2013 Selfing and othering through categories of race, place, and language among minority youths in Rotterdam, The NetherlandsMultilingualism and Language Diversity in Urban Areas: Acquisition, identities, space, education, Siemund, Peter, Ingrid Gogolin, Monika Edith Schulz and Julia Davydova (eds.), pp. 129–164 | Article
This is the first study of processes of selfing and othering by speakers of a non-standard variety of Dutch. The group studied consists of young men in the Dutch city of Rotterdam who self-identify as Surinamese while having only very limited proficiency in what is considered their heritage… read more
This article aims to encourage the interdisciplinary study of ‘languaculture,’ an approach to language and culture in which ideology, linguistic and cultural forms, as well as praxis are studied in relation to one another. An integrated analysis of the selection of linguistic and cultural elements… read more
Keij, Brigitta, Leonie Cornips, Roeland van Hout, Aafke Hulk and Joanne van Emmerik 2012  Knowing versus producing: The acquisition of grammatical gender and the definite determiner in Dutch by L1-TD, L1-SLI, and eL2 childrenLinguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 2:4, pp. 379–403 | Article
Dutch nouns are divided into two groups according to grammatical gender which is, among others, marked on the definite determiner: common nouns take the definite determiner de and neuter nouns take the definite determiner het. This study is unique in systematically investigating the acquisition of… read more
Brouwer, Susanne, Leonie Cornips and Aafke Hulk 2008 Misrepresentation of Dutch neuter gender in older bilingual children?Current Trends in Child Second Language Acquisition: A generative perspective, Haznedar, Belma and Elena Gavruseva (eds.), pp. 83–96 | Article
Previous research revealed that monolingual children between 11- and 13-yearold show a target-like production with respect to gender assignment of definite determiners whereas this is not the case for bilingual children who massively overgeneralize de. In order to further investigate this… read more
Cornips, Leonie and Aafke Hulk 2006 External and internal factors in billingual and bidialectal language development: Grammatical gender of the Dutch definite determinerL2 Acquisition and Creole Genesis: Dialogues, Lefebvre, Claire, Lydia White and Christine Jourdan (eds.), pp. 355–377 | Article
Cornips, Leonie, Vincent A. de Rooij en Birgit Reizevoort 2006 Straattaal: Processen van Naamgeving en StereotyperingThema's en trends in de sociolinguistiek 5, pp. 123–136 | Article
This article shows how dominant negative stereotypical ideas of 'straattaal' and its speakers are constructed and reproduced. The article also shows how, within particular contexts, these ideas may be subject to renegotiation. Data for this article were collected during fieldwork in Amsterdam-East;… read more
Hulk, Aafke and Leonie Cornips 2006 Neuter gender and interface vulnerability in child L2/2L1 DutchPaths of Development in L1 and L2 acquisition: In honor of Bonnie D. Schwartz, Unsworth, Sharon, Teresa Parodi, Antonella Sorace and Martha Young-Scholten (eds.), pp. 107–134 | Article
Cornips, Leonie and Karen P. Corrigan 2005 Toward an integrated approach to syntactic variation: A retrospective and prospective synopsisSyntax and Variation: Reconciling the Biological and the Social, Cornips, Leonie and Karen P. Corrigan (eds.), pp. 1–27 | Article
Cornips, Leonie and Jenny Doetjes 2004 PrefaceLinguistics in the Netherlands 2004, Cornips, Leonie and Jenny Doetjes (eds.), p.  | Miscellaneous
Cornips, Leonie and Paula Fikkert 2003 PrefaceLinguistics in the Netherlands 2003, Cornips, Leonie and Paula Fikkert (eds.), p.  | Miscellaneous
Hulk, Aafke, Janneke Peet and Leonie Cornips 2003 Acquiring the Syntax of beaucoup at a distance as a Bilingual Child: An Experimental StudyRomance Linguistics: Theory and Acquisition, Pérez-Leroux, Ana Teresa and Yves Roberge (eds.), pp. 299–316 | Article
Cornips, Leonie and Willy Jongenburger 2001 Elicitation techniques in a Dutch syntactic dialect atlas projectLinguistics in the Netherlands 2001, Wouden, Ton van der and Hans Broekhuis (eds.), pp. 53–63 | Article
Cornips, Leonie 2000 The use of gaan+infinitive in narratives of older bilingual children of Moroccan and Turkish descentLinguistics in the Netherlands 2000, Hoop, Helen de and Ton van der Wouden (eds.), pp. 57–67 | Article
Cornips, Leonie and Aafke Hulk 1998 Affected Objects in Heerlen Dutch and RomanceLanguages in Contrast 1:2, pp. 191–210 | Article
In this paper we show that the well known definition of affected object — as an object that is somehow altered or modified by the action expressed by the verb — is problematic with respect to middle formation, which has been claimed in the literature to be possible only with affected objects. The… read more
Broekhuis, Hans, Leonie Cornips and J. Maarten de Wind 1996 Inalienable possession in locational constructions: An apparent problemLinguistics in the Netherlands 1996, Cremers, Crit and Marcel den Dikken (eds.), pp. 37–48 | Article
Cornips, Leonie 1996 The spread of the reflexive adjunct middle in the Limburg dialects: 1885-1994Linguistics in the Netherlands 1996, Cremers, Crit and Marcel den Dikken (eds.), pp. 49–60 | Article
Cornips, Leonie 1991 Possessive Object Constructions in HeerlensLinguistics in the Netherlands 1991, Drijkoningen, Frank and Ans M.C. van Kemenade (eds.), pp. 21–30 | Article