Nicholas Smith
List of John Benjamins publications for which Nicholas Smith plays a role.
Variation and change in a specialized register: A comparison of random and sociolinguistic sampling outcomes in Desert Island Discs International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 24:2, pp. 169–201 | Article
2019 Corpus-based studies of specialized registers typically sample texts using random methods as far as possible, but they disregard social characteristics of the speakers/writers. In contrast, in corpus-based studies of conversation and quantitative sociolinguistic studies, sampling is more… read more
Short term diachronic shifts in part-of-speech frequencies: A comparison of the tagged LOB and F-LOB corpora International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 7:2, pp. 245–264 | Article
2002 The paper presents a comparison of tag frequencies in two matching one-million word reference corpora of British standard English, the 1961 LOB-corpus and its 1991 “clone” produced at Freiburg. Both corpora were tagged using a version of the CLAWS part-of-speech-tagger developed at Lancaster, and… read more
Can we improve part-of-speech tagging by inducing probabilistic part-of-speech annotated lexicons from large corpora? Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing: Volume II: Selected papers from RANLP ’97, Nicolov, Nicolas and Ruslan Mitkov (eds.), pp. 21–30 | Article