Catherine E. Brouwer

List of John Benjamins publications for which Catherine E. Brouwer plays a role.


Evaluating Cognitive Competences in Interaction

Edited by Gitte Rasmussen, Catherine E. Brouwer and Dennis Day

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 225] 2012. v, 238 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Discourse studies | Pragmatics


Brouwer, Catherine E. 2012 Talking ‘cognition’ in the audiology clinicEvaluating Cognitive Competences in Interaction, Rasmussen, Gitte, Catherine E. Brouwer and Dennis Day (eds.), pp. 189–210 | Article
According to health care guidelines, audiology consultations need to deal with several dimensions of hearing impairment, one of these being cognition, others having to do with social conduct, physiological or technological aspects. In this paper, it is investigated whether and how, then,… read more