Deniz Zeyrek

List of John Benjamins publications for which Deniz Zeyrek plays a role.

Mendes, Amália, Deniz Zeyrek and Giedrė Oles̆kevic̆ienė 2023 Explicitness and implicitness of discourse relations in a multilingual discourse bankContinuative and contrastive discourse relations across discourse domains: Cognitive and cross-linguistic approaches, Klumm, Matthias, Anita Fetzer and Evelien Keizer (eds.), pp. 67–91 | Article
Proposals such as continuity and causality-by-default relate the level of expectedness of a relation to its linguistic marking as an explicit or implicit relation. We investigate these two proposals with regard to the English transcripts of six TED Talks and their Lithuanian, Portuguese and… read more
Mendes, Amália and Deniz Zeyrek 2021 Chapter 8. The discourse markers well and so and their equivalents in the Portuguese and Turkish subparts of the TED-MDB corpusCorpora in Translation and Contrastive Research in the Digital Age: Recent advances and explorations, Lavid-López, Julia, Carmen Maíz-Arévalo and Juan Rafael Zamorano-Mansilla (eds.), pp. 209–232 | Chapter
The present research describes how the PDTB style of discourse annotation has been applied to transcribed TED Talks in the TED-MDB corpus, which include multifunctional elements such as well and so. The occurrence of these two markers is analyzed in English in comparison to the way they are… read more
Kaygusuz, Yasin and Deniz Zeyrek 2016 Turkish children’s early vocabulary: A study on the lexical diversity of two sistersThe Acquisition of Turkish in Childhood, Haznedar, Belma and F. Nihan Ketrez (eds.), pp. 57–78 | Article
This study examines the lexical development of two Turkish sisters (aged 1;4 and 2;3) and measures their lexical diversity in spontaneous production data. It suggests that the dependence of the TTR (type-to-token ratio) on the token size may indicate differential levels of lexical diversity. To… read more
This chapter analyzes the similarities and differences between two contrastive-concessive discourse connectives in written Turkish, namely ama ‘but/yet’ and fakat ‘but’. The analysis is mainly based on Turkish Discourse Bank, a corpus annotated for discourse connectives and the discourse units they… read more
Goy, Elif, Deniz Zeyrek and Bahar Otcu 2012 Developmental patterns in internal modification of requests: A quantitative study on Turkish learners of EnglishInterlanguage Request Modification, Economidou-Kogetsidis, Maria and Helen Woodfield (eds.), pp. 51–86 | Article
The present cross-sectional study investigates the development of internal request modification of Turkish learners of English. The data were collected through role-play performances of participants from two different English proficiency levels in four situations and compared against native… read more
Zeyrek, Deniz, Ümit Deniz Turan, Isin Demirsahin and Ruket Çakici 2012 Differential properties of three discourse connectives in Turkish: A corpus-based analysis of Fakat, Yoksa, AyrıcaConstraints in Discourse 3: Representing and inferring discourse structure, Benz, Anton, Manfred Stede and Peter Kühnlein (eds.), pp. 183–206 | Article
This paper presents a corpus-based quantitative investigation of three connectives in Turkish. As in D-LTAG, we take discourse connectives as lexical anchors which select their two arguments in discourse. Connectives can be grouped in two classes as structural connectives and discourse adverbials.… read more
Turan, Ümit Deniz and Deniz Zeyrek 2011 Context, contrast, and the structure of discourse in TurkishContext and Contexts: Parts meet whole?, Fetzer, Anita and Etsuko Oishi (eds.), pp. 147–168 | Article
This paper attempts to account for the contrastive discourse connective (tam) tersine (‘on the contrary’) in Turkish discourse. We suggest that this connective evokes a discourse structure which has at least three parts: the material in the prior linguistic context, its refutation, and then… read more