Harald Clahsen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Harald Clahsen plays a role.

Linguistic Perspectives on Morphological Processing

Edited by Harald Clahsen, Vera Heyer and Jana Reifegerste

Special issue of The Mental Lexicon 11:2 (2016) v, 168 pp.
Subjects Computational & corpus linguistics | Multilingualism | Neurolinguistics | Psycholinguistics | Semantics

Developmental Psycholinguistics: On-line methods in children’s language processing

Edited by Irina A. Sekerina, Eva M. Fernández and Harald Clahsen

[Language Acquisition and Language Disorders, 44] 2008. xviii, 190 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Cognitive psychology | Language acquisition | Psycholinguistics
Subjects Generative linguistics | Language acquisition | Syntax
Subjects Germanic linguistics | Language acquisition | Neurolinguistics

Normale und gestörte Kindersprache

Harald Clahsen

[Not in series, 33] 1988. ix, 340 pp.
Subjects Language acquisition | Language disorders & speech pathology | Morphology | Psycholinguistics | Syntax
This study examines the processing of morphologically complex words focusing on how morphological (in addition to orthographic and semantic) factors affect bilingual word recognition. We report findings from a large experimental study with groups of bilingual (Turkish/German) speakers using the… read more
Clahsen, Harald and João Veríssimo 2019 Chapter 8. Investigating grammatical processing in bilinguals: The case of morphological primingBilingualism, Executive Function, and Beyond: Questions and insights, Sekerina, Irina A., Lauren Spradlin and Virginia Valian (eds.), pp. 117–130 | Chapter
In this article we discuss methods for investigating grammatical processing in bilinguals. We will present a methodological approach that relies on: (i) linguistic theory (in our case, morphology) for the construction of experimental materials; (ii) a design that allows for direct… read more
Jessen, Anna, João Veríssimo and Harald Clahsen 2018 Variability and consistency in late bilinguals’ morphology: An ERP production studyThe Mental Lexicon 13:2, pp. 186–214 | Article
Speaking a late-learned second language (L2) is supposed to yield more variable and less consistent output than speaking one’s first language (L1), particularly with respect to reliably adhering to grammatical morphology. The current study investigates both internal processes involved in… read more
Clahsen, Harald and Jana Reifegerste 2017 Morphological processing in old-age bilingualsBilingualism: A framework for understanding the mental lexicon, Libben, Maya, Mira Goral and Gary Libben (eds.), pp. 217–248 | Chapter
Language processing in older adults has been the subject of much recent research. While previous research on language processing in bilingual older adults has focused on vocabulary and lexical access, very little is known about potential effects of aging on grammar in bilinguals. The current study… read more
Reifegerste, Jana and Harald Clahsen 2017 Accessing morphosyntactic information is preserved at old age, except for irregularsThe Mental Lexicon 12:3, pp. 342–372 | Article
The current study examined morphological priming in older individuals using two complex phenomena of German inflection. Study 1 examined inflected adjectives which encode multiple morphosyntactic features using regular affixes. Study 2 targeted inflected verb forms which also encode multiple… read more
In fusional languages, inflectional affixes may encode multiple morphosyntactic features such as case, number, and gender. To determine how these features are accessed during both native (L1) and non-native (L2) word recognition, the present study compares the results from a masked visual priming… read more
Clahsen, Harald and João Veríssimo 2016 Investigating grammatical processing in bilinguals: The case of morphological primingBilingualism and Executive Function: An interdisciplinary approach, Sekerina, Irina A. and Lauren Spradlin (eds.), pp. 685–698 | Article
In this article we discuss methods for investigating grammatical processing in bilinguals. We will present a methodological approach that relies on: (i) linguistic theory (in our case, morphology) for the construction of experimental materials; (ii) a design that allows for direct… read more
Clahsen, Harald, Vera Heyer and Jana Reifegerste 2016 EditorialLinguistic Perspectives on Morphological Processing, Clahsen, Harald, Vera Heyer and Jana Reifegerste (eds.), pp. 161–163 | Article
Clahsen, Harald, Sabrina Gerth, Vera Heyer and Esther Schott 2015 Morphology constrains native and non-native word formation in different ways: Evidence from plurals inside compoundsThe Mental Lexicon 10:1, pp. 53–87 | Article
The role of morphological and syntactic information in non-native second language (L2) comprehension is controversial. Some have argued that late bilinguals rapidly integrate grammatical cues with other information sources during reading or listening in the same way as native speakers. Others… read more
Deadjectival nominals with –sa and –mi in Japanese are both phonologically transparent and morphologically decomposable. However, whilst –sa essentially serves to form nouns out of adjectives, –mi forms function as semantic labels with specific meanings. We examined –sa and –mi nominals in three… read more
Cunnings, Ian, Claire Batterham, Claudia Felser and Harald Clahsen 2010 Constraints on L2 learners’ processing of wh-dependencies: Evidence from eye movementsResearch in Second Language Processing and Parsing, VanPatten, Bill and Jill Jegerski (eds.), pp. 87–110 | Article
Using the eye-movement monitoring technique, the present study examined whether wh-dependency formation is sensitive to island constraints in second language (L2) sentence comprehension, and whether the presence of an intervening relative clause island has any effects on learners’ ability to… read more
Stavrakaki, Stavroula and Harald Clahsen 2009 Inflection in Williams Syndrome: The Perfective Past Tense in GreekThe Mental Lexicon 4:2, pp. 215–238 | Article
This study presents experimental results from elicited production and judgment tasks examining perfective past-tense forms of Greek in seven individuals with Williams Syndrome (WS) in comparison to three age groups of typically-developing children. We found that the WS group relied more on the… read more
Clahsen, Harald 2008 Behavioral methods for investigating morphological and syntactic processing in childrenDevelopmental Psycholinguistics: On-line methods in children’s language processing, Sekerina, Irina A., Eva M. Fernández and Harald Clahsen (eds.), pp. 1–27 | Article
While most first language acquisition research to date has focused on the development of children’s linguistic competence, a number of research teams have also investigated the mechanisms children employ to process sentence-level and word-level information in real time, by applying experimental… read more
The avoidance of regular but not irregular plurals inside compounds (e.g., *rats eater vs. mice eater) has been one of the most widely studied morphological phenomena in the psycholinguistics literature. To examine whether the constraints that are responsible for this contrast have any general… read more
Sekerina, Irina A., Eva M. Fernández and Harald Clahsen 2008 IntroductionDevelopmental Psycholinguistics: On-line methods in children’s language processing, Sekerina, Irina A., Eva M. Fernández and Harald Clahsen (eds.), pp. vii–xv | Miscellaneous
Clahsen, Harald, Melanie Ring and Christine Temple 2004 Lexical and morphological skills in English-speaking children withWilliams syndromeWilliams Syndrome across Languages, Bartke, Susanne and Julia Siegmüller (eds.), pp. 221–244 | Article
Clahsen, Harald, Sonja Eisenbeiss and Anne Vainikka 1994 The Seeds of Structure: A Syntactic analysis of the acquisition of Case markingLanguage Acquisition Studies in Generative Grammar, Hoekstra, Teun and Bonnie D. Schwartz (eds.), pp. 85 ff. | Article