Cynthia L. Allen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Cynthia L. Allen plays a role.


Allen, Cynthia L. 2020 Case and preposition stranding in Old English free relativesNOWELE 73:2, pp. 193–220 | Article
Taylor (2014) observes that some of the factual claims made in Allen (1980), the most thorough examination of free relatives in Old English to date, are not entirely correct. Taylor presents some examples that Allen’s analysis of Old English free relatives does not account for and proposes an… read more
Allen, Cynthia L. 2013 Dealing with postmodified possessors in early English: Split and group genitivesMorphosyntactic Categories and the Expression of Possession, Börjars, Kersti, David Denison and Alan K. Scott (eds.), pp. 1–34 | Article
Post-modified possessors have always been problematic in English because with such complex possessors the desire to put a topical possessor before the possessum brings into conflict two principles which English and many other Germanic languages strive to follow, namely that (1) the head of the… read more
This paper looks at the disappearance of the ‘objective’ genitive with nouns of emotion in which the Stimulus of Emotion is a prenominal genitive, e.g. godes lufu ‘God’s love’ in the meaning of someone’s love towards God. A systematic corpus-based investigation involving three nouns of emotion… read more
Allen, Cynthia L. 2006 Review of Machan (2003): English in the middle agesStudies in Language 30:1, pp. 221–225 | Review
Allen, Cynthia L. 2006 Possessives and determiners in Old EnglishTypes of Variation: Diachronic, dialectal and typological interfaces, Nevalainen, Terttu, Juhani Klemola and Mikko Laitinen (eds.), pp. 149–170 | Article
Allen, Cynthia L. 2002 On the development of a friend of mineEnglish Historical Syntax and Morphology: Selected papers from 11 ICEHL, Santiago de Compostela, 7–11 September 2000, Fanego, Teresa, Javier Pérez-Guerra and María José López-Couso (eds.), pp. 23–41 | Article
Allen, Cynthia L. 1999 Bernd Heine. PossessionStudies in Language 23:3, pp. 663–674 | Article
Allen, Cynthia L. 1995 On Doing as You PleaseHistorical Pragmatics: Pragmatic developments in the history of English, Jucker, Andreas H. (ed.), pp. 275–308 | Article
Allen, Cynthia L. 1995 Review of Denison (1993): English Historical SyntaxDiachronica 12:2, pp. 255–262 | Review