Janet C.E. Watson

List of John Benjamins publications for which Janet C.E. Watson plays a role.


This chapter examines phonation categories and glottal states in the Modern South Arabian language, Mehri, as spoken in southern Oman and eastern Yemen with reference also to its sister language, Śḥerɛ̄t, and in San’ani Arabic from an Emergent Features perspective (Mielke, 2008). Within the paper,… read more
This paper explores conceptual and descriptive parallels between the Ancient Greek ψιλά–δασέα distinction as found in the Peripatetic text De Audibilibus, and the gˇahr–hams distinction in the medieval Arabic writings of Al-Ḫalīl (d. c.786 A.D.) and Sībawayhi (d. c.796 A.D.). In both cases there… read more
Watson, Janet C.E. and Alex Bellem 2011 Glottalisation and neutralisation in Yemeni Arabic and Mehri: An acoustic studyInstrumental Studies in Arabic Phonetics, Hassan, Zeki Majeed and Barry Heselwood (eds.), pp. 235–256 | Article
We present results of a comparative acoustic analysis of pre-pausal glottalisation in Ṣan‘āni, the Arabic dialect of the old city of Ṣan‘ā, and Mahriyōt, an eastern Yemeni dialect of the Modern South Arabian language Mehri.1 Data are analysed from one speaker of each variety. In the obstruent… read more