Roumyana Slabakova

List of John Benjamins publications for which Roumyana Slabakova plays a role.


Book series



Inquiries in Linguistic Development: In honor of Lydia White

Edited by Roumyana Slabakova, Silvina Montrul and Philippe Prévost

[Not in series, 133] 2006. vi, 363 pp.
Subjects Language acquisition | Language teaching | Multilingualism | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Language acquisition | Semantics
Slabakova, Roumyana, Lucy Xia Zhao, Lewis Baker, James Turner and Elina Tuniyan 2024 Null and overt pronoun interpretation in L2 Mandarin resultative constructionsLinguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 14:2, pp. 178–217 | Article
This experimental study examines the acquisition of null and overt pronoun interpretations in Chinese as a second language by native speakers of English. A linguistic phenomenon not present in the native language of the learners is identified: the null element in the embedded subject position of… read more
Slabakova, Roumyana 2023 A shared linguistic system of multilingual representationsL3 Development After the Initial State, Brown-Bousfield, Megan M., Suzanne Flynn and Éva Fernández-Berkes (eds.), pp. 29–48 | Chapter
This chapter discusses multilingual linguistic representations and probes the question of whether they form a shared linguistic system. Recent psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic studies of multilingual individuals suggest that this is indeed the case. Taking Minimalist morphosyntax and… read more
Sokolova, Marina and Roumyana Slabakova 2022 A different type of RC attachment resolution: Comparing bilingual and trilingual processingGenerative SLA in the Age of Minimalism: Features, interfaces, and beyond, Leal, Tania, Elena Shimanskaya and Casilde A. Isabelli (eds.), pp. 287–314 | Chapter
This study investigates attachment resolution of ambiguous relative clauses (RC) by second (L2) and third (L3) language speakers of English and Russian. Participants’ sensitivity to the language of testing, social conventions, and a linguistic effect of the matrix verb (perception, non-perception)… read more
Slabakova, Roumyana 2021 Does Full Transfer Endure in L 3 A?Epistemological issue: Sources of knowledge in L3 acquisition, Flores, Cristina and Neal Snape (eds.), pp. 96–102 | Commentary
This study investigates the acquisition of aspectual contrasts in the English present tense by French and Chinese learners of English at upper-intermediate to advanced proficiency levels. An oral production task and an interpretation task show that the expression of the aspectual present tense… read more
The Bottleneck Hypothesis identifies parts of the grammar that are easier or more difficult to acquire in a second language. It argues that the functional morphology is the bottleneck in L2 acquisition because it bundles a variety of semantic, syntactic and phonological features that affect the… read more
Slabakova, Roumyana and María del Pilar García Mayo 2017 Chapter 3. Testing the current models of third language acquisitionL3 Syntactic Transfer: Models, new developments and implications, Angelovska, Tanja and Angela Hahn (eds.), pp. 63–84 | Chapter
In this chapter, we argue that another factor should be brought into the general picture of third and additional language acquisition: the comprehensible linguistic input. Predictions of current models have been predominantly based on the cognitive-psychological prominence of the three languages… read more
Miller, David, David Giancaspro, Michael Iverson, Jason Rothman and Roumyana Slabakova 2016 Not just algunos, but indeed unos L2ers can acquire scalar implicatures in L2 SpanishLanguage Acquisition Beyond Parameters: Studies in honour of Juana M. Liceras, Alba de la Fuente, Anahí, Elena Valenzuela and Cristina Martínez Sanz (eds.), pp. 125–145 | Article
This study examines interpretation of scalar implicatures (SI) in the L2 Spanish of native English advanced learners. Spanish is especially interesting since, unlike English, it has two indefinite determiners, unos and algunos, which ostensibly map to English some. However, each does not allow an… read more
Slabakova, Roumyana 2013 Chapter 1. What is easy and what is hard to acquire 
in a second language: A generative perspectiveContemporary Approaches to Second Language Acquisition, García Mayo, María del Pilar, María Juncal Gutiérrez Mangado and María Martínez-Adrián (eds.), pp. 5–28 | Chapter
Explaining why some linguistic features and constructions are easy or difficult to acquire in a second language has become a prominent current concern in generative second language acquisition (SLA) research. Based on a comparison of findings on the L2 acquisition of functional morphology, syntax,… read more
This review article selects and elaborates on the important issues of adult second language acquisition research in the second decade of the twenty-first century. The fundamental question of whether adult second language acquisition and child first language acquisition are similar or different is… read more
Slabakova, Roumyana 2012 L3/Ln acquisition: A view from the outsideThird Language Acquisition in Adulthood, Cabrelli, Jennifer, Suzanne Flynn and Jason Rothman (eds.), pp. 115–140 | Article
This paper approaches the research questions in current L3 acquisition research from the point of view of the current debates in L2A. We consider published L3 acquisition data to see whether four current hypotheses: the Feature Reassembly Hypothesis, the Interface Hypothesis, the Bottleneck… read more
Slabakova, Roumyana, Jason Rothman and Paula Kempchinsky 2011 Gradient competence at the Syntax-Discourse InterfaceEUROSLA Yearbook: Volume 11 (2011), Roberts, Leah, Gabriele Pallotti and Camilla Bettoni (eds.), pp. 218–243 | Article
In this article, we present additional support of Duffield’s (2003, 2005) distinction between Underlying Competence and Surface Competence. Duffield argues that a more fine-grained distinction between levels of competence and performance is warranted and necessary. While underlying competence is… read more
Slabakova, Roumyana 2009 How is inflectional morphology learned?EUROSLA Yearbook: Volume 9 (2009), Roberts, Leah, Georges Daniel Véronique, Anna Nilsson and Marion Tellier (eds.), pp. 56–75 | Article
This article considers recent explanations of variability in the second language (L2) comprehension of inflectional morphology. The predictions of five accounts are spelled out: the emergentist account, the Feature Assembly Hypothesis, the Contextual Complexity Hypothesis, the Morphological… read more
Slabakova, Roumyana 2006 A semantic parameter with a syntactic trigger in the L2 acquisition of ItalianInquiries in Linguistic Development: In honor of Lydia White, Slabakova, Roumyana, Silvina Montrul and Philippe Prévost (eds.), pp. 69–87 | Article
Slabakova, Roumyana, Silvina Montrul and Philippe Prévost 2006 Inquiries in linguistic development: Studies in honor of Lydia WhiteInquiries in Linguistic Development: In honor of Lydia White, Slabakova, Roumyana, Silvina Montrul and Philippe Prévost (eds.), pp. 1–13 | Article
Slabakova, Roumyana and Silvina Montrul 2002 12. On viewpoint aspect interpretation and its L2 acquisition: A UG perspectiveThe L2 Acquisition of Tense–Aspect Morphology, Salaberry, M. Rafael and Yasuhiro Shirai (eds.), pp. 363–396 | Chapter