Karol Karp
List of John Benjamins publications for which Karol Karp plays a role.
La letteratura italo-romena contemporanea. Sulla migrazione che genera trasgressione: La frivolezza del cristallo liquido di Irina Turcanu e Dodici più un angelo di Ingrid Beatrice Coman Revue Romane 59:1, pp. 40–54 | Article
2024 The article aims to analyze the phenomenon of transgression in Italian-language Romanian literature on the example of two novels entitled La frivolezza del cristallo liquido (2008) by Irina Turcanu and Dodici più un angelo (2012) by Ingrid Beatrice Coman. The starting point for the… read more
Viaggio e identità: La moto di Scanderbeg di Carmine Abate Revue Romane 49:2, pp. 318–332 | Article
2014 The work of Carmine Abate is characterised by the presence of certain thematic structures. Among these the motif of a journey should be emphasised, which plays an important role in the writer’s novel, Scanderberg’s Motorcycle, analysed in the article. Apart from the journey, another key structure… read more