Maurizio Buora
List of John Benjamins publications for which Maurizio Buora plays a role.
Roman, Early Byzantine and Islamic Bronze Lamps from Southern Anatolia Archív Orientální 82:3, pp. 431–458 | Article
2014 This paper presents some thirty unpublished bronze lamps that are housed in local museums of Cilicia, Hatay and Mardin in southern Turkey. The chosen methodology of this paper is to compare these lamps typologically, dating them by reference to the extensively published examples by Maria… read more
Fibulae in the Museum of Ödemiş (Western Turkey) Archív Orientální 80:3, pp. 417–434 | Article
2012 This paper presents about twenty fibulae (18 from Ödemiş and 3 from Mardin). The majority of them date to the Iron Age, but 4 are Roman. The Museum of Ödemiş preserves brooches coming from various parts of modern Turkey, while the few fibulae of Mardin seem to be of local origin. Generally the… read more