Radek Skarnitzl

List of John Benjamins publications for which Radek Skarnitzl plays a role.


Prosodic aspects of speech are crucial for the comprehensibility of L2 speakers, but prosody is rarely targeted in English language lessons. This paper describes an innovative training of English phrasal prosody using participants’ own speech as models in a modified listen-and-repeat paradigm,… read more
Vonzová, Veronika and Radek Skarnitzl 2021 Chapter 13. Integrating prosodic features in a children’s English courseEnglish Pronunciation Instruction: Research-based insights, Kirkova-Naskova, Anastazija, Alice Henderson and Jonás Fouz-González (eds.), pp. 305–326 | Chapter
The chapter reports on an experiment which focused on the integration of prosody into an English course for young children. Two groups of Czech primary school children (aged 6–7, n = 12 in each group) were analysed, one of which received prosody-focused training and the other followed the regular… read more