Monique Dufresne

List of John Benjamins publications for which Monique Dufresne plays a role.


Subjects Historical linguistics
Dufresne, Monique, Mireille Tremblay and Rose-Marie Déchaine 2018 The variable use of determiners in Old French and the argument DP hypothesisRomance Parsed Corpora, Tortora, Christina, Beatrice Santorini and Frances Blanchette (eds.), pp. 23–48 | Article
The argument DP hypothesis, adopted by many syntactic analyses, claims that nominal arguments are introduced by a determiner (D), which may be covert or overt. While overt D is obligatory in Modern French (consistent with the argument DP hypothesis), it was not obligatory in earlier stages of… read more
Dufresne, Monique and Fernande Dupuis 2007 Expletives, number and language changeRomance Linguistics 2006: Selected papers from the 36th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), New Brunswick, March-April 2006, Camacho, José, Nydia Flores-Ferrán, Liliana Sánchez, Viviane Déprez and María José Cabrera (eds.), pp. 111–126 | Article
Dufresne, Monique, Fernande Dupuis and Mireille Tremblay 2000 The Role of Features in Historical ChangeNew Approaches to Old Problems: Issues in Romance historical linguistics, Dworkin, Steven N. and Dieter Wanner (eds.), pp. 129–148 | Chapter
Dufresne, Monique, Fernande Dupuis and Mireille Tremblay 2000 Expletives and Change: A morphological approach to syntactic changeHistorical Linguistics 1995: Volume 1: General issues and non-Germanic Languages., Smith, John Charles and Delia Bentley (eds.), pp. 73–86 | Article