Donald N. Tuten

List of John Benjamins publications for which Donald N. Tuten plays a role.

Book series

Tuten, Donald N. 2021 Complexification of the early modern Spanish address system: A role for koineization?Spanish Socio-Historical Linguistics: Isolation and contact, Chappell, Whitney and Bridget Drinka (eds.), pp. 17–48 | Chapter
The Spanish system of address pronouns suffered a dramatic increase in complexity between the 15th and 17th centuries. This study aims to explain how and why this change (or set of changes) took place when and where it did by using the model of koineization as a heuristic device. It argues that… read more
Tuten, Donald N. 2000 Linking Social Change and Linguistic Change: Koineization in Early CastileNew Approaches to Old Problems: Issues in Romance historical linguistics, Dworkin, Steven N. and Dieter Wanner (eds.), pp. 97–108 | Chapter