Morris Halle
List of John Benjamins publications for which Morris Halle plays a role.
Chapter 4. Dylan Thomas’s meters Of Grammar, Words, and Verses: In honor of Carlos Piera, Torrego, Esther (ed.), pp. 67–86 | Article
2012 This chapter applies to Dylan Thomas’s metrical poetry the theory of meter developed in collaboration with Carlos Piera in Fabb and Halle (2008). We explain the various properties of the strict and loose meters used by Thomas. We also discuss some poems which can be analyzed as simultaneously in… read more
Pairs and triplets: A theory of metrical verse Towards a Typology of Poetic Forms: From language to metrics and beyond, Aroui, Jean-Louis and Andy Arleo (eds.), pp. 167–192 | Article
2009 All metrical verse involves the measurement of the line; in this paper we show that the line is measured by grouping syllables into pairs or triplets (feet), which are further grouped into pairs or triplets. The grouping is accomplished by iterative rules which build a metrical grid from the line.… read more
On the Status of Stems in Morphological Theory Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2003: Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ 2003, Nijmegen, 20–22 November, Geerts, Twan, Ivo van Ginneken and Haike Jacobs (eds.), pp. 37–62 | Article
2005 Distributed Morphology: Impoverishment and Fission Research in Afroasiatic Grammar: Papers from the Third conference on Afroasiatic Languages, Sophia Antipolis, 1996, Lecarme, Jacqueline, Jean Lowenstamm and Ur Shlonsky (eds.), pp. 125–149 | Article
2000 Formal vs. functional considerations in phonology Studies in Diachronic, Synchronic, and Typological Linguistics: Festschrift for Oswald Szemérenyi on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, Brogyanyi, Bela (ed.), pp. 325–341 | Article
1979 8 Stress Rules in English: A New Version Essays on the Sound Pattern of English, Goyvaerts, Didier L. and Geoffrey K. Pullum (eds.), pp. 261–276 | Article