Kazuki Sekine
List of John Benjamins publications for which Kazuki Sekine plays a role.
Do speakers’ gestures affect listeners’ understanding of temporal relationships between events? Gesture 22:3, pp. 262–287 | Article
2023 This study investigated how the direction and movement of gestures affect mental representations of time. Previous research by Tversky and Jamalian (2021) demonstrated that gestures influence how people perceive temporal relationships, with participants’ drawings reflecting the shape (circular… read more
Gestural depiction of motion events in narrative increases symbolic distance with age Verbal and gestural expression of motion and spatial events / L’expression verbale et gestuelle du mouvement et de l’espace: New evidence from different age groups and linguistic environments / nouveaux arguments en provenance de différents groupes d’âge et de différents environnements linguistiques, Fibigerová, Kateřina, Jean-Marc Colletta and Michèle Guidetti (eds.), pp. 40–68 | Article
2018 We examined gesture representation of motion events in narratives produced by three- and nine-year-olds, and adults. Two aspects of gestural depiction were analysed: how protagonists were depicted, and how gesture space was used. We found that older groups were more likely to express… read more
Chapter 13. The development of spatial perspective in the description of large-scale environments Integrating Gestures: The interdisciplinary nature of gesture, Stam, Gale and Mika Ishino (eds.), pp. 175–186 | Chapter
2011 This research investigated developmental changes in children’s representations of large-scale environments as reflected in spontaneous gestures and speech produced during route descriptions Four-, five-, and six-year-olds (N = 122) described the route from their nursery school to their own homes.… read more
The role of gesture in the language production of preschool children Gesture 11:2, pp. 148–173 | Article
2011 The present study investigates the functions of gestures in preschoolers’ descriptions of activities. Specifically, utilizing McNeill’s growth point theory (1992), I examine how gestures contribute to the creation of contrast from the immediate context in the spoken discourse of children. When… read more
6 Forgetful or Strategic? The Mystery of the Systematic Avoidance of Reference in the Cartoon Story Narrative Gesture and the Dynamic Dimension of Language: Essays in honor of David McNeill, Duncan, Susan D., Justine Cassell and Elena T. Levy (eds.), pp. 75–81 | Chapter