Arnt Lykke Jakobsen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Arnt Lykke Jakobsen plays a role.


Book series


Translation in Transition: Between cognition, computing and technology

Edited by Arnt Lykke Jakobsen and Bartolomé Mesa-Lao

[Benjamins Translation Library, 133] 2017. vi, 243 pp.
Subjects Translation Studies
Mees, Inger M., Barbara Dragsted, Inge Gorm Hansen and Arnt Lykke Jakobsen 2015 Sound effects in translationInterdisciplinarity in Translation and Interpreting Process Research, Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen, Susanne Göpferich and Sharon O'Brien (eds.), pp. 141–155 | Article
On the basis of a pilot study using speech recognition (SR) software, this chapter attempts to illustrate the benefits of adopting an interdisciplinary approach in translator training. It shows how the collaboration between phoneticians, translators and interpreters can (1) advance research, (2)… read more
Jakobsen, Arnt Lykke 2014 The development and current state of translation process researchThe Known Unknowns of Translation Studies, Brems, Elke, Reine Meylaerts and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), pp. 65–88 | Article
The development and current state of translation process research chArnt Lykke Jakobsen Copenhagen Business School lInterest in process-oriented translation studies has been intense for the past almost half a century. Translation process research (TPR) is the label we have used to refer to a… read more
Mees, Inger M., Barbara Dragsted, Inge Gorm Hansen and Arnt Lykke Jakobsen 2013 Sound effects in translationInterdisciplinarity in Translation and Interpreting Process Research, Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen, Susanne Göpferich and Sharon O'Brien (eds.), pp. 140–154 | Article
On the basis of a pilot study using speech recognition (SR) software, this paper attempts to illustrate the benefits of adopting an interdisciplinary approach in translator training. It shows how the collaboration between phoneticians, translators and interpreters can (1) advance research, (2)… read more
Jakobsen, Arnt Lykke 2011 Tracking translators’ keystrokes and eye movements with TranslogMethods and Strategies of Process Research: Integrative approaches in Translation Studies, Alvstad, Cecilia, Adelina Hild and Elisabet Tiselius (eds.), pp. 37–55 | Article
Although keylogging opens up many possibilities for studying translation processes, the addition of eye tracking vastly increases our ability to know what kind of process a translator engages in at any given point in time. Following a description of how the Translog software was technologically… read more
Jensen, Astrid and Arnt Lykke Jakobsen 2000 Translating under time pressureTranslation in Context: Selected papers from the EST Congress, Granada 1998, Chesterman, Andrew, Natividad Gallardo San Salvador and Yves Gambier (eds.), pp. 105 ff. | Article