Hanna Risku

List of John Benjamins publications for which Hanna Risku plays a role.


Field Research on Translation and Interpreting

Edited by Regina Rogl, Daniela Schlager and Hanna Risku

[Benjamins Translation Library, 165] 2025. vi, 361 pp. + index
Subjects Applied linguistics | Interpreting | Translation Studies

Translation Practice in the Field: Current research on socio-cognitive processes

Edited by Hanna Risku, Regina Rogl and Jelena Milosevic

[Benjamins Current Topics, 105] 2019. v, 184 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Interpreting | Translation Studies

Translation Practice in the Field: Current research on socio-cognitive processes

Edited by Hanna Risku, Regina Rogl and Jelena Milosevic

Special issue of Translation Spaces 6:1 (2017) v, 180 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Translation Studies
Borg, Claudine, Carmen Heine and Hanna Risku 2025 Chapter 5. Observations and diariesResearch Methods in Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies, Rojo López, Ana María and Ricardo Muñoz Martín (eds.), pp. 108–132 | Chapter
Observation and introspection can be used as qualitative, cognitive ethnographic research methods. Qualitative field observation allows researchers to study translators, interpreters and other relevant actors in situ. Introspective diaries facilitate a deeper understanding of the cognitive… read more
Rogl, Regina, Daniela Schlager and Hanna Risku 2025 Introduction: Searching and researching the field of translation and interpretingField Research on Translation and Interpreting, Rogl, Regina, Daniela Schlager and Hanna Risku (eds.), pp. 1–33 | Chapter
This article sheds light on two different perspectives on the boundaries of the cognitive system and the consequences of their adoption for Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies (CTIS). Both are represented by different approaches within the cognitive scientific cluster of approaches… read more
Schlager, Daniela and Hanna Risku 2023 Contextualising translation expertise: Lived practice and social constructionCognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies in the Early Twenty First Century, García, Adolfo M., Edinson Muñoz and Néstor Singer (eds.), pp. 230–251 | Article
Translation expertise has been discussed intensely in (cognitive) translation studies. Most research has been conducted in laboratory settings, attempting to discern the differences between experienced translators (‘experts’) and lesser experienced translators. This has resulted in valuable, yet… read more
Risku, Hanna, Jelena Milosevic and Regina Rogl 2021 Chapter 7. Responsibility, powerlessness, and conflict: An ethnographic case study of boundary management in translationTranslating Asymmetry – Rewriting Power, Carbonell i Cortés, Ovidi and Esther Monzó-Nebot (eds.), pp. 145–168 | Chapter
A growing body of research shows the existence of tensions, frictions, and conflicts in translation production networks, pointing to the key role therein of agency, trust, communication, and technology. However, there are few empirical investigations that include the different actors in one and… read more
Risku, Hanna, Regina Rogl and Jelena Milosevic 2019 Translation practice in the field: Current research on socio-cognitive processesTranslation Practice in the Field: Current research on socio-cognitive processes, Risku, Hanna, Regina Rogl and Jelena Milosevic (eds.), pp. 1–24 | Introduction
Risku, Hanna, Regina Rogl and Jelena Milosevic 2017 Translation practice in the field: Current research on socio-cognitive processesTranslation Practice in the Field: Current research on socio-cognitive processes, Risku, Hanna, Regina Rogl and Jelena Milosevic (eds.), pp. 3–26 | Article
Risku, Hanna, Jelena Milosevic and Christina Pein-Weber 2016 Writing vs. translating: dimensions of text production in comparisonReembedding Translation Process Research, Muñoz Martín, Ricardo (ed.), pp. 47–68 | Article
The tasks of writing and translation show several similarities in the challenges they pose and the processes they include. In translation studies, the fuzzy edges between these tasks have been studied in many ways. To compare the processes of writing and translating in the field, we observed a… read more
Risku, Hanna and Florian Windhager 2015 Extended translation: A sociocognitive research agendaInterdisciplinarity in Translation and Interpreting Process Research, Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen, Susanne Göpferich and Sharon O'Brien (eds.), pp. 35–47 | Article
Consideration of current developments in cognitive science is indispensable when defining research agendas addressing cognitive aspects of translation. One such development is the recognition of the extended nature of human cognition: Cognition is not just an information manipulation process in the… read more
Risku, Hanna 2013 Knowledge management and translationHandbook of Translation Studies: Volume 4, Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), pp. 92–97 | Article
Risku, Hanna and Florian Windhager 2013 Extended Translation: A Sociocognitive Research AgendaInterdisciplinarity in Translation and Interpreting Process Research, Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen, Susanne Göpferich and Sharon O'Brien (eds.), pp. 33–45 | Article
Consideration of current developments in cognitive science is indispensable when defining research agendas addressing cognitive aspects of translation. One such development is the recognition of the extended nature of human cognition: Cognition is not just an information manipulation process in the… read more
Risku, Hanna, Florian Windhager and Matthias Apfelthaler 2013 A dynamic network model of translatorial cognition and actionTranslation Spaces 2, pp. 151–182 | Article
As an interdisciplinary research endeavor into the foundations of human and artificial intelligence, cognitive science has substantial contributions to offer to the field of translation studies. Like any other explanatory approach to socially embedded and organized behavior, cognitive science deals… read more
Risku, Hanna, Nicole Rossmanith, Andreas Reichelt and Lukas Zenk 2013 Translation in the network economy: A follow-up studyTracks and Treks in Translation Studies: Selected papers from the EST Congress, Leuven 2010, Way, Catherine, Sonia Vandepitte, Reine Meylaerts and Magdalena Bartłomiejczyk (eds.), pp. 29–48 | Article
If we consider the aspect of “situatedness” in translation, it becomes clear that social connections have a key influence on the work process. Five years after the completion of a case study examining the roles, competences and work coordination of translation project managers (performed in 2002),… read more
Risku, Hanna 2012 Shreve, Gregory M. & Erik Angelone, eds. 2010. Translation and CognitionThe Known Unknowns of Translation Studies, Brems, Elke, Reine Meylaerts and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), pp. 198–202 | Review
This article provides a brief presentation of the development of some cognitive scientific views on technical communication and translation. I look in detail at one of the latest cognitive scientific trends, namely Situated and Embodied Cognition. According to this approach, humans are creative… read more
Risku, Hanna, Angela Dickinson and Richard Pircher 2010 Knowledge in Translation Studies and translation practice: Intellectual capital in modern societyWhy Translation Studies Matters, Gile, Daniel, Gyde Hansen and Nike K. Pokorn (eds.), pp. 83–94 | Article
This paper seeks to show that translation practice and Translation Studies matter on both an organisational and a social level by demonstrating that the knowledge they generate forms an important part of the intellectual capital in the knowledge society and a key factor in value creation in… read more
Risku, Hanna 2007 The role of technology in translation managementDoubts and Directions in Translation Studies: Selected contributions from the EST Congress, Lisbon 2004, Gambier, Yves, Miriam Shlesinger † and Radegundis Stolze (eds.), pp. 85–97 | Chapter
Translators play a key role in the growing market for intercultural technical communication and translation technologies can assist them in several areas of their work. However, there has been little study as yet of the use of such technologies in real translation working environments. The author’s… read more
Risku, Hanna and Roland Freihoff 2000 Kooperative Textgestaltung im translatorischen handlungsrahmenTranslation in Context: Selected papers from the EST Congress, Granada 1998, Chesterman, Andrew, Natividad Gallardo San Salvador and Yves Gambier (eds.), pp. 49–60 | Article