Sake Jager

List of John Benjamins publications for which Sake Jager plays a role.


Ditters, Everhard, Sake Jager, Arthur Lemmens en Bert Weltens 1994 Computer-Ondersteund Talenonderwijs: Een Woord VoorafComputer-ondersteund talenonderwijs, pp. 7–15 | Article
Jager, Sake 1994 COO Engels: (ver)Stand van ZakenComputer-ondersteund talenonderwijs, pp. 83–88 | Article
This review discusses four CALL programs demonstrated during the ANéLA CALL workshop. The programs differ considerably in scope and technical capabilities, although three are aimed at business English and two feature multi-media capabilities. ENID is an idiom-training program offering a wide range… read more