Robert McAllister

List of John Benjamins publications for which Robert McAllister plays a role.


McAllister, Robert 2007 Strategies for Realization of L2-Categories: English /s/ — /z/Language Experience in Second Language Speech Learning: In honor of James Emil Flege, Bohn, Ocke-Schwen and Murray J. Munro (eds.), pp. 153–166 | Article
This study focuses on the production of the English /s/-/z/ contrast by native speakers of Swedish. The strategies used by Swedes who produce this contrast successfully would seem to be of interest in two respects with reference to Flege’s Speech Learning Model (SLM). Firstly, in relation to SLM… read more
McAllister, Robert 2000 Perceptual Foreign Accent and its Relevance for Simultaneous InterpretingLanguage Processing and Simultaneous Interpreting: Interdisciplinary perspectives, Englund Dimitrova, Birgitta and Kenneth Hyltenstam (eds.), pp. 45–64 | Article