Bernd Meyer

List of John Benjamins publications for which Bernd Meyer plays a role.


Transferring Linguistic Know-how into Institutional Practice

Edited by Kristin Bührig and Bernd Meyer

[Hamburg Studies on Multilingualism, 15] 2013. vii, 151 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Multilingualism | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Subjects Discourse studies | Multilingualism | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Farag, Rahaf and Bernd Meyer 2024 Coordination in telephone-based remote interpretingInterpreting 26:1, pp. 80–113 | Article
Telephone-based remote interpreting has come into widespread use in multilingual encounters, all the more so in times of refugee crises and the large influx of asylum-seekers into Europe. Nevertheless, the linguistic practices in this mode of communication have not yet been examined… read more
Bührig, Kristin and Bernd Meyer 2013 IntroductionTransferring Linguistic Know-how into Institutional Practice, Bührig, Kristin and Bernd Meyer (eds.), pp. 1–4 | Article
Bührig, Kristin and Bernd Meyer 2013 Transfer is not a one-way street: Insights on Ad-hoc interpreting in German hospitalsTransferring Linguistic Know-how into Institutional Practice, Bührig, Kristin and Bernd Meyer (eds.), pp. 137–150 | Article
The transfer of linguistic findings into institutional practice sometimes appears to be a one-way street in which language experts provide solutions for communication problems but, in return, don’t receive insight from the institutions they work with. To emphasize the potential value of applied… read more
Angermeyer, Philipp, Bernd Meyer and Thomas Schmidt 2012 Sharing community interpreting corpora: A pilot studyMultilingual Corpora and Multilingual Corpus Analysis, Schmidt, Thomas and Kai Wörner (eds.), pp. 275–294 | Article
This article presents results of a project which looks into new ways of publishing and sharing community interpreting corpora. Section 2 introduces CoPilot, a pilot database containing material from two corpora of interpreted doctor-­patient communications and one corpus of interpreted court… read more
Bührig, Kristin, Ortrun Kliche, Bernd Meyer and Birte Pawlack 2012 The corpus “Interpreting in Hospitals”: Possible applications for research and communication trainingMultilingual Corpora and Multilingual Corpus Analysis, Schmidt, Thomas and Kai Wörner (eds.), pp. 305–315 | Article
This paper explores the question how language corpora can enhance discourse analytic research as well as communication trainings. To do this, we refer to the language corpus “Interpreting in hospitals”, and begin by describing it in detail. Subsequently, the paper exemplifies how the corpus was… read more
Bührig, Kristin, Ortrun Kliche, Bernd Meyer and Birte Pawlack 2012 Explaining the interpreter’s unease: Conflicts and contradictions in bilingual communication in clinical settingsMultilingual Individuals and Multilingual Societies, Braunmüller, Kurt and Christoph Gabriel (eds.), pp. 407–418 | Article
This article builds on previous research on ad-hoc interpreting in German hospitals. It discusses the concept of interpreters as “intervenient beings” and its consequences for interpreter training. Although the concept seems to be descriptively adequate, it disregards difficulties of interpreters… read more
House, Juliane, Bernd Meyer and Thomas Schmidt 2012 CoSi – A Corpus of Consecutive and Simultaneous InterpretingMultilingual Corpora and Multilingual Corpus Analysis, Schmidt, Thomas and Kai Wörner (eds.), pp. 295–304 | Article
This paper describes how to access and use a corpus of comparable consecutive and simultaneous interpreting (Brazilian Portuguese and German). The corpus is available free of charge. Our aim is to stimulate discussions on the use and the accessibility of corpora in interpreting studies, and, more… read more
The article discusses the notion of ‘language barrier’ regarding communication with patients with a migration background. These patients usually show some level of proficiency in the official language of the hospital. However, their proficiency is usually limited so that they still need… read more
Apfelbaum, Birgit and Bernd Meyer 2010 Multilingualism at work: A brief introductionMultilingualism at Work: From policies to practices in public, medical and business settings, Meyer, Bernd and Birgit Apfelbaum (eds.), pp. 1–10 | Article
Meyer, Bernd, Kristin Bührig, Ortrun Kliche and Birte Pawlack 2010 Nurses as interpreters? Aspects of interpreter training for bilingual medical employeesMultilingualism at Work: From policies to practices in public, medical and business settings, Meyer, Bernd and Birgit Apfelbaum (eds.), pp. 163–184 | Article
This article examines the challenges of societal multilingualism and language barriers for communication in the context of medical services in Germany. Although there is evidence that ad-hoc-interpreting may cause communication problems, bilingual employees are often engaged in communication… read more
Johnen, Thomas and Bernd Meyer 2007 Between connectivity and modality: Reported speech in interpreter-mediated doctor-patient communicationConnectivity in Grammar and Discourse, Rehbein, Jochen, Christiane Hohenstein and Lukas Pietsch (eds.), pp. 395–417 | Chapter
This paper analyzes data from doctor-patient interaction mediated by nonprofessional ad hoc-interpreters with a focus on the performance of ad hocinterpreters and their use of verba dicendi (“to say”, “to tell”, “to mean to say”). Our analysis of the Turkish and Portuguese language data shows that… read more
Bührig, Kristin and Bernd Meyer 2004 Ad-hoc-interpreting and the achievement of communicative purposes in doctor-patient-communicationMultilingual Communication, House, Juliane and Jochen Rehbein (eds.), pp. 43–62 | Article
Meyer, Bernd, Birgit Apfelbaum, Franz Pöchhacker and Alexandre Bischoff 2003 Analysing Interpreted Doctor–Patient Communication from the Perspectives of Linguistics, Interpreting Studies and Health SciencesThe Critical Link 3: Interpreters in the Community, Brunette, Louise, Georges L. Bastin, Isabelle Hemlin and Heather Clarke (eds.), pp. 67–79 | Article
Meyer, Bernd 2002 Medical interpreting: Some salient featuresInterpreting in the 21st Century: Challenges and opportunities, Garzone, Giuliana and Maurizio Viezzi (eds.), pp. 159–169 | Article
Meyer, Bernd 2000 The Computer-Based Transcription of Simultaneous InterpretingLanguage Processing and Simultaneous Interpreting: Interdisciplinary perspectives, Englund Dimitrova, Birgitta and Kenneth Hyltenstam (eds.), pp. 151–158 | Article
This paper will outline how the theoretical and methodological framework of Functional Pragmatics can be applied to interpreting research. The aim is to show that mental dimensions of the interpreting process can be reconstructed from transcriptions of interpreted discourse. The scope of such an… read more