Robert Clowes

List of John Benjamins publications for which Robert Clowes plays a role.


Clowes, Robert 2009 Semiotic symbols and the missing theory of thinkingSymbol Grounding, Belpaeme, Tony, Stephen J. Cowley and Karl F. MacDorman (eds.), pp. 107–126 | Article
Clowes, Robert 2007 Semiotic symbols and the missing theory of thinkingSymbol Grounding, Belpaeme, Tony, Stephen J. Cowley and Karl F. MacDorman (eds.), pp. 105–124 | Article
This paper compares the nascent theory of the ‘semiotic symbol’ in cognitive science with its computational relative. It finds that the semiotic symbol as it is understood in recent practical and theoretical work does not have the resources to explain the role of symbols in cognition. In light of… read more