Mark Fettes

List of John Benjamins publications for which Mark Fettes plays a role.

Book series


Fettes, Mark 2022 Chapter 10. Educational capacity-building for linguistic inclusion and mobility: Meso-level strategies for systemic changeAdvances in Interdisciplinary Language Policy, Grin, François, László Marácz and Nike K. Pokorn (eds.), pp. 195–214 | Chapter
Schools promote mobility by providing access to national languages and languages of wider communication, to knowledge and skills valued in the national and European economies, and to multicultural or cosmopolitan forms of identity. Ironically, however, mobility now poses unprecedented challenges… read more
The United Nations system has been engaged for some years in setting new development priorities to replace the Millennium Development Goals following their expiry in 2015. While language issues are almost wholly absent from documents intended to guide this policy process, there are… read more
Fettes, Mark 2007 Language as sharp as a knife: Translation in ecological contextIn Translation – Reflections, Refractions, Transformations, St-Pierre, Paul and Prafulla C. Kar (eds.), pp. 201–211 | Article
Resumo La sinjorino, la lingvistoj, kaj la internacia lingvo De 1924 ĝis 1951, la novjorka International Auxiliary Language Association (internacia helplingva asocio) aŭspiciis ampleksan interlingvistikan esplorprogramon kun financa subteno de Alice Vanderbilt Morris. Komence la celo estis esplori… read more
The inaugural issue of a new journal of Esperanto Studies provides insights into research traditions and current directions. read more
Fettes, Mark 1997 Interlinguistics and the InternetLanguage Problems and Language Planning 21:2, pp. 170–176 | Miscellaneous
ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Interlinguistik und Internet Wie Post und moderne Verkehrsmittel in den vergangenen hundert Jahren eine unverzicht-bare Voraussetzung fiir die Entwicklung von Plansprachen waren, so bietet heute das Internet neue Möglichkeiten, Plansprachen zu lernen, zu benutzen und zu erforschen.… read more
ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Esperanto und die Sprachwissenschaft: Ideen und Überlegungen Der Autor untersucht Ideen aus den Diskussionen des Nitobe-Symposiums zur Sprachenpolitik, das 1996 in Verbindung mit dem 81. Esperanto-Weltkongreß stattfand. Initiativen beim Völker-bund, den Vereinten Nationen und der… read more
SAŽETAK Kakva se jezicna zajednica moze formirati napodloziplanskoga jezika? U clanku se razmatraju pitanja sociologije esperantske jezicne zajednice, povodom novoizdane knjige koja daje pregled deset anketnih istraživanja provedenih izmedju 1927 i 1992. Za razliku od ranijih istrazivanja, u kojima… read more