Fiona Farr

List of John Benjamins publications for which Fiona Farr plays a role.


Applying Corpus Linguistics

Edited by Fiona Farr and Anne O'Keeffe

Special issue of International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 16:3 (2011) vi, 136 pp.
Subjects Computational & corpus linguistics
This mixed-methods study investigates English-medium oral online intercultural communication within the Irish-based international technology sector. The initial phase of the research consisted of a survey investigating participants’ (N = 113) experiences of virtual communication. Following the… read more
Knight, Dawn, Anne O'Keeffe, Geraldine Mark, Christopher Fitzgerald, Justin McNamara, Svenja Adolphs, Benjamin Cowan, Tania Fahey Palma, Fiona Farr and Sandrine Peraldi 2024 Indicating engagement in online workplace meetings: The role of backchannelling head nodsCorpus Approaches to Business Communication, Gillings, Mathew and Susanne Kopf (eds.), pp. 389–416 | Article
Amid COVID-19 and the so-called “digital pivot”, online virtual communication is at the heart of our professional and private lives. As we move into a post-COVID context, the affordances of the digital turn have shown that we can operate professionally online but there is a need for better… read more
Farr, Fiona and Elaine Riordan 2015 Turn initiators in professional encounters: Teacher education discourse in an Irish University settingPragmatic Markers in Irish English, Amador-Moreno, Carolina P., Kevin McCafferty and Elaine Vaughan (eds.), pp. 176–202 | Article
This paper investigates some of the pragmatic considerations behind the use of turn initiators within one specific Irish-English setting, that of teacher education. During the course of their studies, student teachers have reason, and are often obliged, to engage with professionals and peers as… read more
Murphy, Bróna and Fiona Farr 2012 “I’m fine girl, and how are you?”: The use of vocatives in spoken Irish EnglishNew Perspectives on Irish English, Migge, Bettina and Máire Ní Chiosáin (eds.), pp. 203–224 | Article
The use of phatic communion and small talk are obvious examples of how interpersonal relationships are built and maintained. This paper explores the use of vocatives, which play an equally important part in the affective realm of communication. This paper uses corpus-based tools and methodologies… read more
Farr, Fiona and Anne O'Keeffe 2011 IntroductionApplying Corpus Linguistics, Farr, Fiona and Anne O'Keeffe (eds.), pp. 299–304 | Article
Farr, Fiona and Anne O'Keeffe 2002 2. Would as a hedging device in an Irish context: An intra-varietal comparison of institutionalised spoken interactionUsing Corpora to Explore Linguistic Variation, Reppen, Randi, Susan Fitzmaurice and Douglas Biber (eds.), pp. 25–48 | Chapter