Chris Code
List of John Benjamins publications for which Chris Code plays a role.
Book series
First in, last out? The evolution of aphasic lexical speech automatisms to agrammatism and the evolution of human communication Vocalize to Localize, Abry, Christian, Anne Vilain and Jean-Luc Schwartz (eds.), pp. 261–284 | Article
2009 First in, last out? The evolution of aphasic lexical speech automatisms to agrammatism and the evolution of human communication Vocalize to Localize II, Abry, Christian, Anne Vilain and Jean-Luc Schwartz (eds.), pp. 311–334 | Article
2005 Current work in the evolution of language and communication is emphasising a close relationship between the evolution of speech, language and gestural action. This paper briefly explores some evolutionary implications of a range of closely related impairments of speech, language and gesture arising… read more