Lieselotte Anderwald

List of John Benjamins publications for which Lieselotte Anderwald plays a role.


Anderwald, Lieselotte 2022 Historical retention, progressive nation, or the eye of the beholder? : The evolution of morphological AmericanismsEarlier North American Englishes, Kytö, Merja and Lucia Siebers (eds.), pp. 89–122 | Chapter
This article investigates the time-depth of three groups of present-day morphological Americanisms: past participle gotten, new strong verbs (dove, snuck), and regularized verbs (burned, learned, dreamed). Relating corpus-linguistic evidence to metalinguistic comments shows that even if the… read more
I trace the history of the American English (AmE) past participle gotten, widely (but wrongly) regarded as a historical retention of an earlier BrE form. As corpus data shows, gotten almost died out in American English as well, but was then revived. Although get is found mainly in speech-related… read more
Anderwald, Lieselotte 2020 The myth of American English gotten as a historical retentionLate Modern English: Novel encounters, Kytö, Merja and Erik Smitterberg (eds.), pp. 67–90 | Chapter
In this article, I investigate where and when the myth of American English as a conservative variety originates, and how it has become linked to the verb form gotten in particular. Drawing on corpus materials, prescriptive grammar writers of the time, publications on Americanisms, and… read more
Anderwald, Lieselotte 2017 “Vernacular universals” in nineteenth-century grammar writingExploring Future Paths for Historical Sociolinguistics, Säily, Tanja, Arja Nurmi, Minna Palander-Collin and Anita Auer (eds.), pp. 275–302 | Chapter
This article investigates nineteenth-century prescriptive grammar writing for comments on four purported “vernacular universals”: multiple negation, adverbs without -ly, you was, and existential there is/there was with plural subjects. These features were already going out of (written) language… read more
Anderwald, Lieselotte 2014 “Pained the eye and stunned the ear”: Language ideology and the progressive passive in the nineteenth centuryContact, Variation, and Change in the History of English, Pfenninger, Simone E., Olga Timofeeva, Anne-Christine Gardner, Alpo Honkapohja, Marianne Hundt and Daniel Schreier (eds.), pp. 113–136 | Article
My paper is a close analysis of prescriptive comments on the progressive passive over the course of the nineteenth century, based on my collection of 258 nineteenth-century grammar books. I investigate how the progressive passive was evaluated, which language ideologies were involved, and what the… read more
This paper investigates five morphological Americanisms in their diachronic development since 1810 on the basis of data from the Corpus of Historical American English, namely the past tense forms of THRIVE, DIVE, PLEAD, DRAG, and SNEAK. THRIVE is a clear case of an irregular verb becoming regular;… read more
Anderwald, Lieselotte 2005 Negative Concord in British English DialectsAspects of English Negation, Iyeiri, Yoko (ed.), pp. 113–137 | Article
Anderwald, Lieselotte 2001  Was/Were-variation in non-standard British English todayEnglish World-Wide 22:1, pp. 1–21 | Article
In this article, the past tense system of the verb to be in modern informal spoken British English is investigated. Variation is endemic, but an in-depth investigation across individual dialect areas shows that three generalization strategies can be distinguished. Of these, two lead to a… read more