Nicole Nau

List of John Benjamins publications for which Nicole Nau plays a role.


Argument Realization in Baltic

Edited by Axel Holvoet and Nicole Nau

Subjects Balto-Slavic linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Balto-Slavic linguistics | Morphology | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Balto-Slavic linguistics | Morphology | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Nau, Nicole 2021 Chapter 4. Another ‘look!’: The Latvian particle lūk in parliamentary discoursePragmatic Markers and Peripheries, Van Olmen, Daniël and Jolanta Šinkūnienė (eds.), pp. 111–140 | Chapter
The Latvian pragmatic marker lūk is derived from the imperative ‘look!’ but is used mainly in the textual domain in speech and writing. This study investigates its use in parliamentary discourse, based on a corpus of shorthand transcripts, as well as audio and video recordings. The main functions… read more
Holvoet, Axel and Nicole Nau 2016 IntroductionArgument Realization in Baltic, Holvoet, Axel and Nicole Nau (eds.), pp. 1–34 | Article
Nau, Nicole 2016 Argument realization in Latvian action nominal constructions: A corpus and text based investigationArgument Realization in Baltic, Holvoet, Axel and Nicole Nau (eds.), pp. 461–522 | Article
This paper presents a study of the Latvian action noun derived by the suffix -šan-. The formation is completely regular, general and productive, and unlike other nouns may include affixes that express verbal categories (negation, aktionsart, voice). The focus of the study is on the realization of… read more
Nau, Nicole 2015 Morphological causatives in contemporary LatvianVoice and Argument Structure in Baltic, Holvoet, Axel and Nicole Nau (eds.), pp. 99–146 | Article
This paper investigates Latvian verbs with causative morphology and their relations to non-causative verbs. Causative morphology comprises vowel alternation and suffixation. The different techniques are largely synonymous, but differ in frequency and productivity. A major concern of this paper is… read more
Nau, Nicole and Axel Holvoet 2015 Voice in Baltic: An overviewVoice and Argument Structure in Baltic, Holvoet, Axel and Nicole Nau (eds.), pp. 1–36 | Article
Holvoet, Axel and Nicole Nau 2014 Argument marking and grammatical relations in Baltic: An overviewGrammatical Relations and their Non-Canonical Encoding in Baltic, Holvoet, Axel and Nicole Nau (eds.), pp. 1–41 | Article
Nau, Nicole 2014 Differential object marking in LatgalianGrammatical Relations and their Non-Canonical Encoding in Baltic, Holvoet, Axel and Nicole Nau (eds.), pp. 207–255 | Article
This article discusses variation in object marking in Latgalian, based on sources where this phenomenon is most pronounced. Differential object marking in Latgalian consists in the choice of the genitive instead of the accusative for objects of transitive verbs. Genitive marking regularly appears… read more