Recently, a test battery was developed with the goal of assessing perception of F0 in linguistic, but language-independent, contexts by listeners from different language backgrounds. Test validation using Dutch, Italian and Romanian listeners generally showed comparable performance. In this study… read more
This paper questions the view according to which Romanian dative/genitive possessive clitics can be placed both dp-internally and dp-externally. The clitics in the two constructions are argued to be only superficially identical. The clitic within the dp is a possessive clitic, valued genitive,… read more
The present paper provides evidence that children are not different fromadults with respect to phrase structure building, a process considered tobe highly dependent on feature valuation. Lexical heads are taken fromthe lexicon with open feature values that are specified in the course of… read more
The present article argues that the idea of morphology-driven syntax carries over to first-language acquisition. Morphology encodes properties of functional categories, i.e. particular features and feature values that must be set according to the target (adult) language during the acquisition… read more