Ingmar Söhrman

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ingmar Söhrman plays a role.


Advances in Gothic Philology and Linguistics

Edited by Alexandra Holsting and Hans Frede Nielsen †

Special issue of NOWELE 71:2 (2018) v, 145 pp.
Subjects Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics

Diachronic and Typological Perspectives on Verbs

Edited by Folke Josephson and Ingmar Söhrman

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 134] 2013. viii, 443 pp.
Subjects Historical linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics | Typology

Interdependence of Diachronic and Synchronic Analyses

Edited by Folke Josephson and Ingmar Söhrman

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 103] 2008. viii, 350 pp.
Subjects Historical linguistics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics | Typology
Söhrman, Ingmar 2025 Garden, town, villa and torg: Four emblematic words that influenced the vocabulary and semantics of European languagesGermanic Interrelations: Studies in memory of Hans Frede Nielsen, Laker, Stephen, Carla Falluomini, Steffen Krogh, Robert Nedoma and Michael Schulte (eds.), pp. 354–363 | Chapter
Loanwords in a language often reflect the political and cultural situation at a certain time. In this process, the influence from prestigious languages on lesser prestigious languages often makes itself felt, be it through the replacement of older words or through the introduction of new… read more
Söhrman, Ingmar 2015 What is Visigothic and What is Frankish in Medieval and Later Spanish?Early Germanic Languages in Contact, Askedal, John Ole and Hans Frede Nielsen † (eds.), pp. 125–135 | Chapter
Söhrman, Ingmar 2013 Reference, aspectuality and modality in ante-preterit (pluperfect) in Romance languagesDiachronic and Typological Perspectives on Verbs, Josephson, Folke and Ingmar Söhrman (eds.), pp. 173–210 | Article
The ante-preterit or pluperfect is mostly considered to be an uncontroversial tense used to describe an event that took place before another event in the past. This is only partly true and a more complex image of ante-preterit will be presented. In this article ante-preterit stands for the tense… read more
Söhrman, Ingmar and Kåre Nilsson 2008 Predicative verbs of transition in Portuguese and Spanish: A cognitive approach to aspect, aktionsart, and tenseInterdependence of Diachronic and Synchronic Analyses, Josephson, Folke and Ingmar Söhrman (eds.), pp. 167–184 | Article
Contrary to the Germanic languages, the Romance languages have a whole range of verbs instead of one (or two) specific, polysemic copula verb which can be used to express all kinds of transition from one state or situation into another, i.e. serving as a dynamic counterpart of a corresponding… read more