Massimo Salgaro

List of John Benjamins publications for which Massimo Salgaro plays a role.


Empirical Studies of Literariness

Edited by Massimo Salgaro and Paul Sopčák

Special issue of Scientific Study of Literature 8:1 (2018) v, 208 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Theoretical literature & literary studies

Transdisciplinary Approaches to Literature and Empathy

Edited by Paul Sopčák, Massimo Salgaro and J. Berenike Herrmann

Special issue of Scientific Study of Literature 6:1 (2016) v, 174 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Theoretical literature & literary studies
Salgaro, Massimo 2018 Who is David Miall?Empirical Studies of Literariness, Salgaro, Massimo and Paul Sopčák (eds.), pp. 19–20 | Introduction
Salgaro, Massimo 2018 Historical introduction to the special issue on literarinessEmpirical Studies of Literariness, Salgaro, Massimo and Paul Sopčák (eds.), pp. 6–18 | Introduction
Sopčák, Paul, Massimo Salgaro and David I. Hanauer 2018 Introduction to the special issueEmpirical Studies of Literariness, Salgaro, Massimo and Paul Sopčák (eds.), pp. 1–5 | Introduction
Sopčák, Paul, Massimo Salgaro and J. Berenike Herrmann 2016 Transdisciplinary approaches to literature and empathy: A special issueTransdisciplinary Approaches to Literature and Empathy, Sopčák, Paul, Massimo Salgaro and J. Berenike Herrmann (eds.), pp. 2–5 | Article
In literary theory, there are two common proposals about the nature of literature: that literariness is a distinctive characteristic of literary texts and that literariness is mostly characterized by highly foregrounded textual features. Our studies focused on the effects of genre expectations. In… read more