Kris Buyse

List of John Benjamins publications for which Kris Buyse plays a role.



Language for Specific Purposes

Edited by Antoon De Rycker, Kris Buyse and Lieve Vangehuchten

Special issue of ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 162 (2011) ca. 146 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language policy | Language teaching | Multilingualism
Linguistic complexity measures are used to describe second language (L2) performance and assess levels of proficiency and development. Although morphology is considered crucial in L2 acquisition, morphological complexity has been relatively neglected, hindering comprehensive views of grammatical… read more
This study investigated the effects of comprehensive feedback on learners’ grammatical accuracy during text revision and in new writing tasks in light of proficiency level. It also sought to determine to what extent learners’ proficiency level plays a role in their feedback preferences and… read more
Buyse, Kris, Lydia Fernández Pereda and Katrien Verveckken 2016 The Aprescrilov corpus, or broadening the horizon of Spanish language learning in FlandersSpanish Learner Corpus Research: Current trends and future perspectives, Alonso-Ramos, Margarita (ed.), pp. 143–168 | Article
Learner corpora (LC) are increasingly gaining interest, particularly with regard to their potential to facilitate research in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) and Foreign Language Teaching (FLT). However, there appears to be a lack of progress in establishing strong, bidirectional links between LC… read more
Buyse, Kris, Eva Saver, An Laffut and Herlinda Vekemans 2011 UrgentiAS, a lexical database for medical students in clinical placements: Architecture, use and evaluationResearching Specialized Languages, Bhatia, Vijay, Purificación Sánchez and Pascual Pérez-Paredes (eds.), pp. 191–210 | Article
The UrgentiAS database was compiled to meet the needs of Dutch-speaking Belgian medical students attending classes of Medical English/French/Spanish to prepare for their clinical placements abroad. The database provides students with an easy-to-use multilingual medical lexicon, which can help them… read more
De Rycker, Antoon, Kris Buyse and Lieve Vangehuchten 2011 Lsp Research Today: A General Approach for Specific Purposes?Language for Specific Purposes, De Rycker, Antoon, Kris Buyse and Lieve Vangehuchten (eds.), pp. 1–19 | Article
The purpose of this article is to examine whether a “general approach for specific purposes”, i.e. a general approach to Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) research, is possible or even desirable. We will briefly review some of the major changes that have taken place in LSP research, and this… read more
Buyse, Kris 2007 Prosodic and Pragmatic Universals in Translating Clitics: The Case of the Spanish Translation of French CliticsThe Study of Language and Translation, Vandeweghe, Willy, Sonia Vandepitte and Marc Van de Velde (eds.), pp. 23–36 | Article
Buyse, Kris 2006 Motivating Writing EducationTask-Based Language Teaching, Van den Branden, Kris and Machteld Verhelst (eds.), pp. 111–126 | Article
Writing can turn into a real passion. However, teaching and learning writing skills is hardly ever the most motivating component of a language curriculum. Writing currricula (i) are often purely skill oriented -at the expense of more cognitive and metacognitive aspects-, (ii) involving oneto- one… read more