Christopher Frith

List of John Benjamins publications for which Christopher Frith plays a role.


Cole, Jonathan, Marcelo Dascal †, Shaun Gallagher and Christopher Frith 2010 Concluding discussionThe Emergence of Consciousness: A top-down, social phenomenon?, Cole, Jonathan and Marcelo Dascal † (eds.), pp. 553–559 | Article
Frith, Christopher 2010 What is consciousness for?The Emergence of Consciousness: A top-down, social phenomenon?, Cole, Jonathan and Marcelo Dascal † (eds.), pp. 497–551 | Article
In the first talk I discuss recent experiments designed to elucidate the neural correlates of consciousness. Implicit in this discussion are operational definitions of what I mean by consciousness. In the second talk I explore the extent to which we are conscious of being in control of our actions,… read more