In this chapter, we identify the visual structures of cartoons that enable cartoonists to evoke visual argumentation. For a cartoon to convey opinions or opinions with arguments, a prerequisite is that its visual (or verbal) structures evoke some kind of incongruity. We demonstrate how a particular… read more
This paper examines the way language users process so-called regular fixed expressions. Such expressions are compositional in the sense that their overall meaning can be derived from their parts, while at the same time factors such as usage frequency, resistance to modification, ‘nativelikeness’… read more
In this paper it is argued that, contrary to computational models of language production, in the production system grammatical knowledge takes the form of conventionalized declarative schemes. Such schemes can be identified as a particular function word and an obliged element, for instance, a noun… read more
In our article we describe the functions of so-called 'text plans1 in two different processes of text production: (1) dictating business letters and (2) writing governmental policy issue papers. Text plans are defined as: abstract, schematic representations of the text a writer/dictator wants to… read more