Luca Alfieri

List of John Benjamins publications for which Luca Alfieri plays a role.


Linguistic Categories, Language Description and Linguistic Typology

Edited by Luca Alfieri, Giorgio Francesco Arcodia and Paolo Ramat

[Typological Studies in Language, 132] 2021. vi, 424 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics | Typology
Alfieri, Luca 2021 Chapter 9. Parts of speech, comparative concepts and Indo-European linguisticsLinguistic Categories, Language Description and Linguistic Typology, Alfieri, Luca, Giorgio Francesco Arcodia and Paolo Ramat (eds.), pp. 313–366 | Chapter
The paper adopts and further elaborates on the distinction between comparative concepts (CC) and descriptive categories (DC) by proposing a partly new definition of the parts of speech (PoS), and uses that definition to provide a new analysis of PoS in Latin and RV Sanskrit. More, specifically,… read more
Alfieri, Luca, Giorgio Francesco Arcodia and Paolo Ramat 2021 Chapter 1. Linguistic categories, language description and linguistic typology – An overviewLinguistic Categories, Language Description and Linguistic Typology, Alfieri, Luca, Giorgio Francesco Arcodia and Paolo Ramat (eds.), pp. 1–34 | Chapter
In this paper we propose a critical discussion of the rationale for this volume. After a short introduction (Section 1), an outline of the long-standing opposition between language particular description and universal grammar in the history of the language sciences is provided (Section 2). This… read more
Alfieri, Luca 2014 Qualifying modifier encoding and adjectival typologyWord Classes: Nature, typology and representations, Simone, Raffaele and Francesca Masini (eds.), pp. 119–138 | Article
Parts of speech are not primitive notions, they derive from the constructions defining them. Constructions, in turn, can be classified according to a mainly semantic or semantic-syntactic approach. In this paper I follow the latter view: the “adjective” is defined as the most typical construction… read more