Dalila Ayoun

List of John Benjamins publications for which Dalila Ayoun plays a role.

Subjects Language acquisition | Multilingualism | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Tense, Aspect, Modality, and Evidentiality: Crosslinguistic perspectives

Edited by Dalila Ayoun, Agnès Celle and Laure Lansari

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 197] 2018. viii, 366 pp.
Subjects Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

The Acquisition of the Present

Edited by Dalila Ayoun

[Not in series, 196] 2015. xvi, 347 pp.
Subjects Language acquisition | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects English linguistics | Generative linguistics | Language acquisition | Romance linguistics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Studies in French Applied Linguistics

Edited by Dalila Ayoun

[Language Learning & Language Teaching, 21] 2008. xiii, 400 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Romance linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

French Applied Linguistics

Edited by Dalila Ayoun

[Language Learning & Language Teaching, 16] 2007. xvi, 560 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Romance linguistics

Tense and Aspect in Romance Languages: Theoretical and applied perspectives

Edited by Dalila Ayoun and M. Rafael Salaberry

[Studies in Bilingualism, 29] 2005. x, 318 pp.
Subjects Language acquisition | Romance linguistics | Semantics | Syntax
This cross-sectional empirical study tested the ability of Anglophone L2 learners of Italian (n = 87) to assign grammatical gender and number to a subset of isolated nouns drawn from a written corpus of current magazine and newspaper articles. Italian native speakers served as controls (n = 109).… read more
Ayoun, Dalila, Agnès Celle and Laure Lansari 2018 Chapter 1. Introduction: On the gradience of TAM-E categoriesTense, Aspect, Modality, and Evidentiality: Crosslinguistic perspectives, Ayoun, Dalila, Agnès Celle and Laure Lansari (eds.), pp. 1–18 | Chapter
Ayoun, Dalila and Charlene Gilbert 2017 The acquisition of modal auxiliaries in English by advanced Francophone learnersTense-Aspect-Modality in a Second Language: Contemporary perspectives, Howard, Martin and Pascale Leclercq (eds.), pp. 183–212 | Article
This study investigates the acquisition of modal auxiliaries by advanced Francophone learners of English in two different settings: in the United States where the target language is their second language (ESL learners, n = 5) and in France where it is their foreign language (EFL learners, n = 4).… read more
Ayoun, Dalila 2015 Chapter 11. Conclusions and directions for future researchThe Acquisition of the Present, Ayoun, Dalila (ed.), pp. 335–340 | Article
In-depth longitudinal case studies have the tremendous potential of answering the long-standing question of ultimate attainment in second language (L2) acquisition (Hyltenstam & Abrahamsson 2003). However, there are very few such studies, particularly focusing on tense, aspect, mood/modality (TAM)… read more
Ayoun, Dalila 2015 PrefaceThe Acquisition of the Present, Ayoun, Dalila (ed.), pp. vii–x | Preface
Ayoun, Dalila 2010 Corpus data: Shedding the light on French grammatical gender … or notEUROSLA Yearbook: Volume 10 (2010), Roberts, Leah, Martin Howard, Muiris Ó Laoire and David Singleton (eds.), pp. 119–141 | Article
The present corpus study analyzes 5,016 contextualized DPs drawn from 34 current newspaper and magazine articles to test the so-far unsubstantiated claim that the input provides abundant and clear evidence of the grammatical gender of French nouns. Findings show that 49.76% of noun tokens are not… read more
Ayoun, Dalila 2007 The past, present and future of French in applied linguisticsFrench Applied Linguistics, Ayoun, Dalila (ed.), pp. 2–20 | Article
Ayoun, Dalila 2007 The second language acquisition of grammatical gender and agreementFrench Applied Linguistics, Ayoun, Dalila (ed.), pp. 130–170 | Article
Ayoun, Dalila 2005 Verb movement in the L2 acquisition of English by adult native speakers of FrenchEUROSLA Yearbook: Volume 5 (2005), Foster-Cohen, Susan H., María del Pilar García Mayo and Jasone Cenoz (eds.), pp. 35–76 | Article
This study investigates the acquisition of English verb movement phenomena by two groups of adult French native speakers: a group of secondary school students and a group of university students. A group of English native speakers served as controls. Participants were administered a written… read more
Ayoun, Dalila and M. Rafael Salaberry 2005 Towards a comprehensive model of the acquisition of L2 tense-aspect in the Romance languagesTense and Aspect in Romance Languages: Theoretical and applied perspectives, Ayoun, Dalila and M. Rafael Salaberry (eds.), pp. 253–281 | Article
Salaberry, M. Rafael and Dalila Ayoun 2005 The development of L2 tense-aspect in the Romance languagesTense and Aspect in Romance Languages: Theoretical and applied perspectives, Ayoun, Dalila and M. Rafael Salaberry (eds.), pp. 1–33 | Article