This cross-sectional empirical study tested the ability of Anglophone L2 learners of Italian (n = 87) to assign grammatical gender and number to a subset of isolated nouns drawn from a written corpus of current magazine and newspaper articles. Italian native speakers served as controls (n = 109).… read more
This study investigates the acquisition of modal auxiliaries by advanced Francophone learners of English in two different settings: in the United States where the target language is their second language (ESL learners, n = 5) and in France where it is their foreign language (EFL learners, n = 4).… read more
In-depth longitudinal case studies have the tremendous potential of answering the long-standing question of ultimate attainment in second language (L2) acquisition (Hyltenstam & Abrahamsson 2003). However, there are very few such studies, particularly focusing on tense, aspect, mood/modality (TAM)… read more
The present corpus study analyzes 5,016 contextualized DPs drawn from 34 current newspaper and magazine articles to test the so-far unsubstantiated claim that the input provides abundant and clear evidence of the grammatical gender of French nouns. Findings show that 49.76% of noun tokens are not… read more
This study investigates the acquisition of English verb movement phenomena by two groups of adult French native speakers: a group of secondary school students and a group of university students. A group of English native speakers served as controls. Participants were administered a written… read more