Peter Collins

List of John Benjamins publications for which Peter Collins plays a role.

Grammatical Change in English World-Wide

Edited by Peter Collins

[Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 67] 2015. vi, 488 pp.
Subjects Corpus linguistics | English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Theoretical linguistics

Comparative Studies in Australian and New Zealand English: Grammar and beyond

Edited by Pam Peters, Peter Collins and Adam Smith

[Varieties of English Around the World, G39] 2009. x, 406 pp.
Subjects Comparative linguistics | English linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

English in Australia

Edited by David Blair and Peter Collins

[Varieties of English Around the World, G26] 2001. vi, 366 pp.
Subjects English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

The Clause in English: In honour of Rodney Huddleston

Edited by Peter Collins and David Lee

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 45] 1999. xxii, 327 pp.
Subjects English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Syntax
This study adopts an onomasiological, alternation-based approach to the exploration of grammatical variation across World Englishes, using data sourced from the 1.9 billion-word Global Web-based English corpus. The macro-orientation of the study, which investigates a set of ten alternations… read more
Collins, Peter, Minna Korhonen, Haidee Kotze, Adam Smith and Xinyue Yao 2021 Diachronic register change: A corpus-based study of Australian English, with comparisons across British and American EnglishRegister Studies 3:1, pp. 33–87 | Article
A number of studies have found that grammatical differences across registers are more extensive than those across dialects. However, there is a paucity of research examining intervarietal register change, exploring how registers change differently over time in different regional varieties. The… read more
This paper investigates whether colloquialisation – a stylistic shift by which written genres come to be more similar to spoken genres – has played a role in the endonormativisation of the grammar of Australian English, a variety which has long been noted for its penchant for colloquialism. The… read more
This chapter uses data extracted from two recently compiled historical corpora of Australian English, the Corpus of Oz Early English (19th century) and AusCorp (20th century) to examine developments in ten morphosyntactic variables over the past two centuries. At the same time comparisons are drawn… read more
Collins, Peter 2015 Recent diachronic change in the progressive in Philippine EnglishGrammatical Change in English World-Wide, Collins, Peter (ed.), pp. 271–296 | Article
This chapter reports a diachronic study of the progressive aspect in Philippine English based on the Philippine component of the International Corpus of English and the new ‘Phil-Brown’ corpus which provides insights into evolutionary changes in Philippine English between the 1960s and the 1990s.… read more
Collins, Peter 2015 IntroductionGrammatical Change in English World-Wide, Collins, Peter (ed.), pp. 1–12 | Article
Collins, Peter, Ariane Macalinga Borlongan, Joo-Hyuk Lim and Xinyue Yao 2014 The subjunctive mood in Philippine English: A diachronic analysisContact, Variation, and Change in the History of English, Pfenninger, Simone E., Olga Timofeeva, Anne-Christine Gardner, Alpo Honkapohja, Marianne Hundt and Daniel Schreier (eds.), pp. 259–280 | Article
American English has been observed to be leading the way in the revival of the (mandative) subjunctive, leaving behind British English and its postcolonial “children”. Drawing on data from two sets of corpora, sampled in the 1960s and the 1990s, this paper examines the extent to which Philippine… read more
Collins, Peter and Xinyue Yao 2013 Colloquial features in Word EnglishesInternational Journal of Corpus Linguistics 18:4, pp. 479–505 | Article
A powerful discourse-pragmatic agent of grammatical change in English since the mid-twentieth century has been the increasing acceptance of colloquialism. Little is known, however, about its influence on grammatical developments in regional varieties of World English other than the two inner circle… read more
The phenomenon of “singular agreement” (“SA”) in there-existentials — the combination of a plural post-verbal notional subject and a singular verb — has been the subject of a number of studies which have confirmed its covariation with a range of social, stylistic and grammatical factors. Whereas… read more
Collins, Peter and Xinyue Yao 2012 Modals and quasi-modals in New EnglishesMapping Unity and Diversity World-Wide: Corpus-Based Studies of New Englishes, Hundt, Marianne and Ulrike Gut (eds.), pp. 35–54 | Article
Recent research on modals and quasi-modals has identified two complementary trends: a rise in the popularity of quasi-modals and a decline in that of modals. There is a strong tendency for American rather than British English to be leading the way in these developments. Furthermore, quasi-modals… read more
Collins, Peter 2009 Information-packaging constructionsComparative Studies in Australian and New Zealand English: Grammar and beyond, Peters, Pam, Peter Collins and Adam Smith (eds.), pp. 293–314 | Article
The study whose findings are reported in this chapter compares the frequencies and uses of five “information-packaging” constructions across four Englishes (Australian, New Zealand, British and American) and a range of registers (informal dialogue, learned writing, news reportage, editorials and… read more
Collins, Peter 2009 The progressiveComparative Studies in Australian and New Zealand English: Grammar and beyond, Peters, Pam, Peter Collins and Adam Smith (eds.), pp. 115–124 | Article
The progressive aspect has enjoyed spectacular growth in English since late Modern English, but its spread has not been uniform across all varieties. The study compared the frequency and uses of the progressive in Australian, New Zealand, British and American English across a range of variables.… read more
Collins, Peter 2009 Modals and quasi-modalsComparative Studies in Australian and New Zealand English: Grammar and beyond, Peters, Pam, Peter Collins and Adam Smith (eds.), pp. 73–88 | Article
The findings of the present study of selected modals and quasi-modals in matching corpora of Australian, New Zealand, British and American English reinforce those of diachronic investigations attesting to the rising popularity of the quasi-modals and declining fortunes of the modals in recent… read more
Collins, Peter 2009 PrologueComparative Studies in Australian and New Zealand English: Grammar and beyond, Peters, Pam, Peter Collins and Adam Smith (eds.), pp. 1–10 | Article
The characteristic phonological and lexical features of Australian English (AusE) and New Zealand English (NZE) have attracted a good deal of scholarly interest for about half a century, e.g., Mitchell and Delbridge 1965; Ramson 1966; Delbridge et al. 1981; Horvath 1985; Gordon and Deverson 1985;… read more
Collins, Peter 2008 The English modals and semi-modals: Regional and stylistic variationThe Dynamics of Linguistic Variation: Corpus evidence on English past and present, Nevalainen, Terttu, Irma Taavitsainen, Päivi Pahta and Minna Korhonen (eds.), pp. 129–145 | Article
This paper reports a study of the uses of modal auxiliaries (can, may, will, shall,must, ought and need), plus a set of related semi-modals (need (to), have got (to),have (to), be going (to) and want (to)), in three parallel corpora of contemporary American, British, and Australian English.… read more
Collins, Peter 2007 Modality across World Englishes: The modals and semi-modals of prediction and volitionFunctional Perspectives on Grammar and Discourse: In honour of Angela Downing, Butler, Christopher S., Raquel Hidalgo Downing and Julia Lavid-López (eds.), pp. 447–468 | Article
This paper reports a corpus-based study which examined the uses of the modals and semi-modals which express meanings associated with prediction and volition (will, shall, be going to/gonna, want to/wanna, and be about to) in British, American and Australian English. Quantitative findings relating… read more
Collins, Peter 2004  Let-imperatives in EnglishInternational Journal of Corpus Linguistics 9:2, pp. 299–319 | Article
This paper reports the findings of a corpus-based study oflet-imperatives in English. Unlike the ordinary lexical verbletmeaning “allow”, theletoflet-imperatives serves merely to mark illocutionary meaning. In ‘first person inclusives’, the variant with us-contraction is found to have increased in… read more
On the basis of 572 examples taken from seven million-word corpora of written English the present study—which complements the spoken data-based studies of Oberlander & Delin (1996) and Weinert & Miller (1996)— explores the relationship between information structure and discourse role with reversed… read more
Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork undertaken among British Quakers this article attempts to elucidate some of the connections between the narrative quality of everyday interaction and the local construction of self. Focusing on the Quaker Meeting, we find that the social identity of individual… read more
Collins, Peter 2001 Grammars and corporaAustralian Review of Applied Linguistics 24:2, pp. 35–41 | Article
This paper surveys developments that have occurred in the major ‘corpus-informed’ English reference grammars of the past three decades. During this time there has occurred not simply a massive increase in the size of the corpora available to grammarians and an increasing sophistication in the… read more
Collins, Peter and David Blair 2001 Language and identity in AustraliaEnglish in Australia, Blair, David and Peter Collins (eds.), pp. 1–13 | Article
Collins, Peter 1999 The deictic-presentation construction in EnglishThe Clause in English: In honour of Rodney Huddleston, Collins, Peter and David Lee (eds.), pp. 67–80 | Article
Collins, Peter and David Lee 1999 IntroductionThe Clause in English: In honour of Rodney Huddleston, Collins, Peter and David Lee (eds.), pp. ix–xvi | Miscellaneous
Collins, Peter, Carmella Hollo and Juliet Mar 1997 English grammar in school textbooks: A critical surveyAustralian Review of Applied Linguistics 20:2, pp. 33–50 | Article
This paper reports findings from a project involving the critical analysis of English grammar books (and language books with grammatical content) used at Primary and Secondary levels in NSW schools. The books surveyed betrayed a low level of awareness of developments in contemporary linguistics,… read more
Collins, Peter 1994 Extraposition in EnglishFunctions of Language 1:1, pp. 7–24 | Article
This paper, which is based on a corpus of contemporary Australian English, investigates the structural and communicative properties of extraposed clause constructions. Such constructions will often be superficially similar to right-dislocated constructions, but are generally distinguishable from… read more
This paper reports some findings of a study of six year old and ten year old children which suggests that the process of language acquisition is by no means complete at the age of five (a popular misconception in some of the early literature). In particular, it is suggested that the later years… read more
This paper reports findings from a study of clefts and pseudo-clefts in two standard corpora of English, one spoken and one written. The distributional patterns of the constructions across the various genres of the two corpora are explored, and explanations offered in terms of their distinctive… read more
The functional variants of International English are often differently distributed in the different regional standards. With evidence from the corpus of Australian English, this has already been shown for lexical variants such as will/shall, maybe/perhaps etc. In this paper evidence from the… read more
This paper provides an overview of various English language corpora. It examines the relationships between the various extrant corpora and also indicates some of the features of a corpus of written English being developed in Australia. The article considers some of the linguistic and theoretical… read more