Peter Crosthwaite

List of John Benjamins publications for which Peter Crosthwaite plays a role.



Corpus Linguistics and Education in Australia

Edited by Alexandra I. García, Peter Crosthwaite and Monika Bednarek

Special issue of Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 43:2 (2020) v, 119 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Corpus linguistics | Discourse studies | Language acquisition | Language policy | Language teaching | Multilingualism | Pragmatics | Translation Studies | Writing and literacy
Subjects Applied linguistics | Corpus linguistics | English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching
Crosthwaite, Peter 2024 EditorialAustralian Review of Applied Linguistics 47:1, pp. 1–3 | Editorial
Most corpus tools commonly used for corpus-based data-driven learning (DDL) are designed for research rather than teaching purposes, with much DDL research suggesting learners and their teachers often stop DDL after initial training due to tool-related issues like complex user interfaces and… read more
Children’s writing development is a matter of concern for Australian and other education systems. Factors related to the nature of writing as a literate skill, school writing pedagogy, and diminishing role of writing in a screen-dominant environment may account for this educational concern. What… read more
This paper uses a bibliometric analysis to map the field of Corpus Linguistics (CL) research in arts and humanities over the last 20 years, tracking changes in popular CL research topics, outlets, highly cited authors, and geographical origins based on the metadata of 5,829 CL-related articles… read more
Wingrove, Peter and Peter Crosthwaite 2022 Multi-Dimensional Exploratory Factor Analysis of TED talksRegister Studies 4:1, pp. 91–131 | Article
This article conducts Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) on a corpus of TED talks (2463 talks, across 427 topic tags) to create a new Multi-Dimensional model. The resultant model contained seven dimensions: i. ‘Spontaneous involved versus edited informational discourse’, ii. ‘Abstract… read more
Bednarek, Monika, Peter Crosthwaite and Alexandra I. García 2020 Corpus linguistics and education in AustraliaCorpus Linguistics and Education in Australia, García, Alexandra I., Peter Crosthwaite and Monika Bednarek (eds.), pp. 105–116 | Introduction
Crosthwaite, Peter 2020 Taking DDL online: Designing, implementing and evaluating a SPOC on data-driven learning for tertiary L2 writingCorpus Linguistics and Education in Australia, García, Alexandra I., Peter Crosthwaite and Monika Bednarek (eds.), pp. 169–195 | Article
This paper describes the rationale, design and implementation of a short private online course (SPOC) on data-driven learning (DDL) (Johns, 1991), focusing on L2 error correction in postgraduate academic writing and involving over 300 registered users. I discuss the affordances of using a SPOC… read more
This paper adopts the Integrated Contrastive Model (Granger 1996) to an examination of the use of articles in the L2 English written production of L1 speakers of three article-less languages (Mandarin Chinese, Korean and Thai) across four L2 proficiency levels. Data is sourced from the… read more