Yu Liu

List of John Benjamins publications for which Yu Liu plays a role.



This study evaluates the proficiency progress of Chinese L2 learners in a four-year Chinese language program using the OPI and HSK assessments to explore benchmarks for proficiency-based program design. Findings indicated that students advanced approximately one HSK level per year in reading and… read more
Despite growing attention to the role of proficiency guidelines in Chinese as a second language (CSL) teaching and learning, systematic empirical research in this area remains limited. This special issue examines the impact of proficiency-oriented instruction in CSL education through five… read more
现代汉语中保留了许多文言成分,文言虚词的使用是现代汉语书面语体的重要特征之一,不仅让语言表达更为书面,也能够使语言表达更典雅。本文对两组面对汉语二语学习者的词表进行统计,总结出现代汉语中二语学习者需要掌握的常用文言虚词。并提出应重视对现代汉语中的常用文言虚词进行系统性的教学和训练,文言虚词的教学不应局限于词语本身,而需要进行联系和拓展,从词素、词,到词语搭配、固定结构,多层面地为学习者展现文言虚词的用法,进行语块教学。本文在语料库分析的基础上,总结了常用文言虚词的常见语块,包括词语搭配、实词和虚词组合的固定结构、框架结构及话语标记语等类型,并讨论了如何培养学习者的语块学习意识、 read more