Marianne Hobæk Haff

List of John Benjamins publications for which Marianne Hobæk Haff plays a role.


This article is a comparative exploration of counterfactual conditionals introduced by the conjunction ‘if’ in French and Norwegian, a topic which has not been studied before. My analyses are based on examples from monolingual and multilingual corpora, complemented by two questionnaires, in French… read more
Hobæk Haff, Marianne 2010 A contrastive analysis of absolute constructions in French, German and NorwegianFrench Syntax in Contrast, Lahousse, Karen, Béatrice Lamiroy and Kristel Van Goethem (eds.), pp. 208–223 | Article
This paper is an exploration of similarities and differences concerning absolute constructions in French, German and Norwegian. In the first part, I have examined a more general question raised by these constructions: the connections between these types of absolute constructions and the matrix… read more