Petra Hendriks

List of John Benjamins publications for which Petra Hendriks plays a role.


Subjects Balto-Slavic linguistics
Hinsberg, Myrte van and Petra Hendriks 2023 Left dislocation in Dutch: A narrative elicitation studyLinguistics in the Netherlands 2023, Leufkens, Sterre and Marco Bril (eds.), pp. 88–104 | Article
Left Dislocation in Dutch is still poorly understood. In particular, it is unclear why speakers of Dutch use this construction and which factors influence its use. To obtain more insight in the function and use of Left Dislocation in Dutch, we elicited narratives from 30 adult speakers of Dutch… read more
Bimpikou, Sofia, Emar Maier and Petra Hendriks 2021 The discourse structure of free indirect discourse reportsLinguistics in the Netherlands 2021, Dingemanse, Mark, Eva van Lier and Jorrig Vogels (eds.), pp. 21–39 | Article
We investigate the discourse structure of Free Indirect Discourse passages in narratives. We argue that Free Indirect Discourse reports consist of two separate propositional discourse units: an (explicit or implicit) frame segment and a reported content. These segments are connected at the level… read more
Koster, Anna de, Jennifer K. Spenader and Petra Hendriks 2020 Collective preferences in Dutch revealed by a covered-box experimentLinguistics in the Netherlands 2020, Tribushinina, Elena and Mark Dingemanse (eds.), pp. 53–70 | Article
Sentences with plural expressions are compatible with distributive and collective interpretations. Adults generally prefer collective interpretations, whereas children do not. Dotlačil (2010) argues that the adult collective preference arises via an implicature. Adults can reason about… read more
Bonnema, Ariska I., Vera Hukker and Petra Hendriks 2019 Does reported speech influence listeners’ choice of perspective in the interpretation of spatial prepositions?Linguistics in the Netherlands 2019, Berns, Janine and Elena Tribushinina (eds.), pp. 83–98 | Article
Linguistic cues can encourage adults to adopt an other-centric rather than an egocentric perspective. This study investigated whether the presence of direct speech compared to indirect speech influences listeners’ choice of perspective when interpreting the Dutch spatial prepositions voor ‘in… read more
Hukker, Vera and Petra Hendriks 2017 Whose side are they on? Children’s interpretation of perspective-dependent prepositionsLinguistics in the Netherlands 2017, Lestrade, Sander and Bert Le Bruyn (eds.), pp. 63–76 | Article
Spatial prepositions express relations between objects in space. A subset of spatial prepositions is ambiguous due to the different perspectives from which these spatial relations can be considered. The ability to consider another person’s perspective is still developing in children. This study… read more
Bogaerds-Hazenberg, Suzanne T.M. and Petra Hendriks 2016 Complex language, complex thought? The relation between children’s production of double embeddings and Theory of MindLinguistics in the Netherlands 2016, Audring, Jenny and Sander Lestrade (eds.), pp. 28–40 | Article
It has been argued (e.g., by De Villiers and colleagues) that the acquisition of sentence embedding is necessary for the development of first-order Theory of Mind (ToM): the ability to attribute beliefs to others. This raises the question whether the acquisition of double embedded sentences is… read more
Koops van ’t Jagt, Ruth, John Hoeks, Gillis J. Dorleijn and Petra Hendriks 2014 Look before you leap: How enjambment affects the processing of poetryScientific Study of Literature 4:1, pp. 3–24 | Article
This study describes two eye tracking experiments investigating the processing of poetry with and without enjambments. In Experiment 1, poetic fragments with authentic prospective (syntactically incomplete) or retrospective (syntactically complete) enjambments were investigated; in Experiment 2,… read more
Akker, Saskia van den, John Hoeks, Jennifer K. Spenader and Petra Hendriks 2012 Is the Dutch Delay of Principle B Effect dependent on verb type?Linguistics in the Netherlands 2012, Elenbaas, Marion and Suzanne Aalberse (eds.), pp. 1–14 | Article
Dutch children interpret reflexives correctly from age 4 on, but frequently misinterpret object pronouns as coreferring with the local subject until age 6. We investigated whether this so-called Delay of Principle B Effect (DPBE) differs by verb type. We tested 47 children between 4 and 6 years… read more
Hendriks, Petra and Jacolien van Rij 2011 Language acquisition and language change in bidirectional Optimality TheoryBidirectional Optimality Theory, Benz, Anton and Jason Mattausch (eds.), pp. 97–124 | Article
Hendriks, Petra 2010 What does eye-tracking reveal about children’s knowledge of linguistic structure?Structure Preserved: Studies in syntax for Jan Koster, Zwart, C. Jan-Wouter and Mark de Vries (eds.), pp. 149–156 | Article
Banga, Arina, Ingeborg Heutinck, Sanne M. Berends and Petra Hendriks 2009 Some implicatures reveal semantic differencesLinguistics in the Netherlands 2009, Botma, Bert and Jacqueline van Kampen (eds.), pp. 1–13 | Article
Hendriks, Petra 2004 Either, both and neither in coordinate structuresThe Composition of Meaning: From lexeme to discourse, Meulen, Alice G.B. ter and Werner Abraham (eds.), pp. 115–138 | Article
Hendriks, Petra 2001 Initial coordination and the Law of Coordination of LikesLinguistics in the Netherlands 2001, Wouden, Ton van der and Hans Broekhuis (eds.), pp. 127–138 | Article
Hendriks, Petra 1991 The coordination-like structure of comparativesLinguistics in the Netherlands 1991, Drijkoningen, Frank and Ans M.C. van Kemenade (eds.), pp. 41–50 | Article