Trinidad Guzmán-González
List of John Benjamins publications for which Trinidad Guzmán-González plays a role.
Assigned gender in a corpus of nineteenth-century correspondence among settlers in the American Great Plains Transatlantic Perspectives on Late Modern English, Dossena, Marina (ed.), pp. 199–218 | Article
2015 This contribution explores the use of the formal resources of English (third-person singular pronouns in anaphora, sex-sensitive collocations) for “assigned gender” in a corpus of letters written by settlers of the Great Plains of the United States in the last decades of the nineteenth century. The… read more
Gender assignment in present-day scientific English: A case study in the field of Zoology journals Biomedical English: A corpus-based approach, Verdaguer, Isabel, Natalia Judith Laso and Danica Salazar (eds.), pp. 145–164 | Article
2013 The article aims at exploring an aspect of the category of gender in English – namely what I have called “assigned gender” (Guzmán-González 1989, 1999, 2002, 2012, forthcoming and Guzmán-González & González 2005): the use of covert marks – third person singular and relative pronouns, and… read more
SciE-Lex: A lexical database Biomedical English: A corpus-based approach, Verdaguer, Isabel, Natalia Judith Laso and Danica Salazar (eds.), pp. 21–38 | Article
2013 This chapter deals with the main methodological issues underlying the building of the SciE-Lex lexical database and discusses and justifies the information included. SciE-Lex was initially conceived as a response to the lack of reference tools that can help scientists write scientific papers in… read more