Dawn Archer

List of John Benjamins publications for which Dawn Archer plays a role.



Politeness in Professional Contexts

Edited by Dawn Archer, Karen Grainger and Piotr Jagodziński

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 311] 2020. vi, 326 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics

Space for all? European perspectives on minority languages and identity

Edited by Dawn Archer, Christopher Williams and Paul Fryer

Special issue of Pragmatics and Society 4:2 (2013) v, 130 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Subjects Discourse studies | Historical linguistics | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Archer, Dawn 2020 Chapter 13. The value of facework in crisis negotiation: With a focus on barricade situationsPoliteness in Professional Contexts, Archer, Dawn, Karen Grainger and Piotr Jagodziński (eds.), pp. 299–322 | Chapter
This chapter undertakes a keyword analysis of seven Shakespearean characters: Titus, Tamora, Aaron, Lear, Edmund, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The chapter discusses how, once contextualised, these keywords provide useful insights into their feelings/thoughts towards others, events, motivations to… read more
Archer, Dawn, Cliff Lansley and Aaron Garner 2020 Chapter 12. Keeping airports safe: The value of small talkPoliteness in Professional Contexts, Archer, Dawn, Karen Grainger and Piotr Jagodziński (eds.), pp. 273–298 | Chapter
Archer, Dawn, Karen Grainger and Piotr Jagodziński 2020 Chapter 1. Introduction: Politeness in professional contextsPoliteness in Professional Contexts, Archer, Dawn, Karen Grainger and Piotr Jagodziński (eds.), pp. 1–22 | Chapter
This paper draws upon three texts from the trial section of the Corpus of English Dialogues, in order to explore the tactical impression management strategies used by Early Modern English courtroom participants (defendants, judges, lawyers and witnesses). I will demonstrate that modern… read more
Archer, Dawn, Rebecca Smithson and Ian Kennedy 2018 Chapter 9. Achieving influence through negotiation: An argument for developing pragmatic awarenessLegal Pragmatics, Kurzon, Dennis and Barbara Kryk-Kastovsky (eds.), pp. 181–202 | Chapter
This chapter focuses on a now-infamous case involving 20-year old Grant Sattaur and a Californian Police Negotiator. We focus, in particular, on the last four minutes of their two-hour conversation in 2007, prior to Sattaur taking his own life. We demonstrate that, by this point in their… read more
Archer, Dawn 2017 Context and historical (socio-)pragmatics twenty years onHistorical (socio)pragmatics at present, Włodarczyk, Matylda and Irma Taavitsainen (eds.), pp. 315–336 | Article
This paper has two purposes. First, it constitutes an exploration of context from the perspective of some prominent historical pragmaticians, and/or as demonstrated by publications which represent/exemplify a particular approach within historical pragmatics (Jacobs and Jucker 1995; Archer and… read more
Impolite behaviour tends to attract more evaluative comment than other facework, making it easier to investigate synchronically and diachronically. A reliance on metapragmatic commentary is not optimum for UK parliamentary studies, however, as MPs cannot use “insulting or rude language” that… read more
Archer, Dawn 2014 Exploring verbal aggression in English historical texts using USAS: The possibilities, the problems and potential solutionsDiachronic Corpus Pragmatics, Taavitsainen, Irma, Andreas H. Jucker and Jukka Tuominen (eds.), pp. 277–302 | Article
This article investigates the ways in which we might use the UCREL Semantic Annotation System (USAS) to explore pragmatic phenomena relating to verbal aggression within Old Bailey trial texts dating from the late eighteenth century. Specifically, I demonstrate how this automated system can be used… read more
Archer, Dawn and Christopher Williams 2013 Constructing a shared history, space and destiny: The children’s readerUdmurtia Forever with RussiaSpace for all? European perspectives on minority languages and identity, Archer, Dawn, Christopher Williams and Paul Fryer (eds.), pp. 200–220 | Article
The children’s reader, Udmurtiia naveki s Rossiei, celebrates the “450th anniversary of the voluntary entry of Udmurtia into the Russian State structure”. Published in Russian, one of its aims is to familiarize young children (aged 10 and under) with “key events” in Udmurt-Russian relations leading… read more
Archer, Dawn, Christopher Williams and Paul Fryer 2013 Introduction: A linguistic/discursive space for all? Perspectives on minority languages and identity across EuropeSpace for all? European perspectives on minority languages and identity, Archer, Dawn, Christopher Williams and Paul Fryer (eds.), pp. 127–136 | Miscellaneous
In this paper, we argue that there is another approach to the study of historical pragmatics beyond those explicitly mentioned in Jacobs and Jucker (1995). We label this approach “sociophilology”. Moreover, we demonstrate how this approach can be effectively pursued by combining two corpus… read more
Culpeper, Jonathan and Dawn Archer 2008 Requests and directness in Early Modern English trial proceedings and play-texts, 1640-1760Speech Acts in the History of English, Jucker, Andreas H. and Irma Taavitsainen (eds.), pp. 45–84 | Article
Archer, Dawn 2006 (Re)initiating strategies: Judges and defendants in Early Modern English courtroomsHistorical Courtroom Discourse, Kryk-Kastovsky, Barbara (ed.), pp. 181–211 | Article
This paper draws on the trial section of the Sociopragmatic Corpus to explore the interaction of judges and defendants in the English courtroom (1640–1760). I show that defendants tended to be more actively involved in their defence than defendants are today, because of: (i) the absence of legal… read more
In this paper, I present a sociopragmatic method of analysing historical courtroom interaction, drawing data from Boyer and Nissenbaum’s (1977) Salem Witchcraft Papers. Concentrating as much upon the answers that the magistrates’ questions received as the questions themselves, I complement a… read more