Ulrike Demske

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ulrike Demske plays a role.

Book series


ISSN 0176-4225 | E-ISSN 1569-9714


The Diachrony of Infinitival Patterns: Their origin, development and loss

Edited by Ulrike Demske and Łukasz Jędrzejowski

Special issue of Journal of Historical Linguistics 5:1 (2015) v, 174 pp.
Subjects Historical linguistics
De Cesare, Ilaria, Sina Bosch, Claudia Felser and Ulrike Demske 2024 Word order change in German infinitival complementation: The role of processing factorsDiachronica 41:5, pp. 575–604 | Article
The present article discusses whether processing factors might play a role in the reduction of word order variability in German infinitival complements of control verbs, connecting evidence from a diachronic corpus study to processing considerations and psycholinguistic findings. We show that… read more
The present paper looks into the grammaticalization of the definite article in the history of German. Starting with the well-known emergence of the definite article from a demonstrative pronoun over the course of Old High German (750–1050), I will consider the rise of so-called weak definites in… read more
Demske, Ulrike 2015 Towards coherent infinitival patterns in the history of GermanThe Diachrony of Infinitival Patterns: Their origin, development and loss, Demske, Ulrike and Łukasz Jędrzejowski (eds.), pp. 6–40 | Article
According to Haider (2010), we have to distinguish three types of infinitival complements in Present-Day German: (i) CP complements, (ii) VP complements and (iii) verbal clusters. While CP complements give rise to biclausal structures, VP complements and verbal clusters indicate a monoclausal… read more
Demske, Ulrike 2008 Raising patterns in Old High GermanGrammatical Change and Linguistic Theory: The Rosendal papers, Eythórsson, Thórhallur (ed.), pp. 143–172 | Article
Demske, Ulrike 2007 The Rise of the To-Infinitive. By Bettelou LosDiachronica 24:1, pp. 182–191 | Miscellaneous