Hui-Ching Chang

List of John Benjamins publications for which Hui-Ching Chang plays a role.



Explored but not Assumed: Revisiting Commonalities in Asian Pacific Communication

Edited by Hui-Ching Chang and Ling Chen

Special issue of Journal of Asian Pacific Communication 25:1 (2015) v, 164 pp.
Subjects Afro-Asiatic languages | Altaic languages | Communication Studies
Chang, Hui-Ching and Richard Holt 2011 Naming China: Taiwan’s National Day speeches as identity politicsJournal of Language and Politics 10:3, pp. 396–415 | Article
In the article, we analyze how names for China are used by five ROC presidents in National Day speeches over 58 years (1949–2007), including “communist bandits”; “Chinese communists”; “mainland” and “opposite shore/both shores”; “China”; and “People’s Republic of China.” Each name registers unique… read more
Chang, Hui-Ching and Richard Holt 2009 “New Taiwanese”: Evolution of an identity project in the narratives of United Daily NewsMedia Discourse in Greater China, Kuo, Sai-hua and Doreen D. Wu (eds.), pp. 259–288 | Article
This study explores how “New Taiwanese” was offered and constructed as a viable identity category for people in Taiwan through the news discourse of the United Daily News (UDN) referenced in 922 news reports between 1987 and 2007. From the term’s first appearance in 1987, its promulgation as… read more
Macro sociopolitical milieu and micro interpersonal interaction are intimately connected, since transformation of one’s cultural identity is realized in the ways in which one interacts with others through words. This paper outlines the modern Taiwanese cultural landscape — engendered through… read more
This ethnographic study explores how people in Taipei, the capital city of Taiwan, engage words as cultural performance, whether they are spoken, written, or manifest themselves as cultural artifacts. Informed by their depth philosophical contemplation about the boundary between the universe and… read more
Definitions and contents of interpersonal communication have undergone significant change in modern Taiwan, as can be observed from the production of an ever-increasing number of translated books that purport to teach people how to communicate. Since skills taught in these foreign texts… read more