Celia Kitzinger

List of John Benjamins publications for which Celia Kitzinger plays a role.


Kitzinger, Celia and Sue Wilkinson 2017 Referring to persons: Linguistic gender and gender in action – (when) are husbands men?Enabling Human Conduct: Studies of talk-in-interaction in honor of Emanuel A. Schegloff, Raymond, Geoffrey, Gene H. Lerner and John Heritage (eds.), pp. 189–205 | Chapter
We examine the relationship between the linguistic gender intrinsic to person reference terms (such as ‘husband’, ‘man’, ‘he’) and the actions participants use them to do. We show that analysts cannot rely on the fact that a term is gendered linguistically as evidence that participants are using it… read more
Berger, Israel, Celia Kitzinger and Sonja J. Ellis 2016 Using a category to accomplish resistance in the context of an emergency call: Michael Jackson’s doctorPragmatics 26:4, pp. 563–582 | Article
We report a single case analysis of a recorded emergency call with particular reference to the use of the non-recognitional categorical person reference ‘a personal doctor’ in the sequential context created by the Medical Priority Dispatch System (MPDS) protocol routinely used by the emergency… read more
Kitzinger, Celia 2002 2. Doing feminist conversation analysisTalking Gender and Sexuality, McIlvenny, Paul (ed.), pp. 49–77 | Chapter