Antonio Barcelona

List of John Benjamins publications for which Antonio Barcelona plays a role.

Book series



Online Resource

Conceptual Metonymy: Methodological, theoretical, and descriptive issues

Edited by Olga Blanco-Carrión, Antonio Barcelona and Rossella Pannain

[Human Cognitive Processing, 60] 2018. ix, 325 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Semantics | Theoretical linguistics

Defining Metonymy in Cognitive Linguistics: Towards a consensus view

Edited by Réka Benczes, Antonio Barcelona and Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez

[Human Cognitive Processing, 28] 2011. viii, 284 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Cognitive linguistics

Metonymy and Metaphor in Grammar

Edited by Klaus-Uwe Panther, Linda L. Thornburg and Antonio Barcelona

[Human Cognitive Processing, 25] 2009. xiii, 423 pp.
Subjects Cognitive linguistics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Cover not available

Bibliography of Metaphor and Metonymy

Edited by Antonio Barcelona and Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez

[Online Resources Collection, MetBib] 2005. ca. 10.000 records
Subjects Cognition and language | Cognitive linguistics | Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Semantics
Barcelona, Antonio 2024 Trends in cognitive-linguistic research on metonymyCognitive Approaches to Mind, Language, and Society: Theory and description, Serrano-Losada, Mario and Daniela Pettersson-Traba (eds.), pp. 51–74 | Article
This article is a brief introduction to the theory of conceptual metonymy and a brief survey of research on this area. The first section presents the cognitive-linguistic notion of metonymy, including a discussion of the various problematic aspects of this notion. This is followed by a longer… read more
Barcelona, Antonio 2019 Chapter 2. The tripartite typology and the Córdoba Metonymy DatabaseMetaphor and Metonymy in the Digital Age: Theory and methods for building repositories of figurative language, Bolognesi, Marianna, Mario Brdar and Kristina Š. Despot (eds.), pp. 49–74 | Chapter
The Córdoba Metonymy Database has been designed as a tool for systematically investigating conceptual metonymy across a wide variety of authentic discourse samples, mostly in English and Spanish. Its entry model features eleven analytical fields. One of them, Field 2, is devoted to suggesting the… read more
Spatial language has been traditionally understood as encoding purely spatio-geometric information. However, much more than that must be considered for a full account of the semantics of space. It turns out that spatial arrangements manifest functional consequences which are non-spatial, so… read more
This chapter presents part of the results of our project on metonymy, one of the aims of which is to compile a detailed database of metonymy. The database entry model is first briefly described, but the chapter focuses on the discussion of three issues addressed by four of the database entry fields. read more
Barcelona, Antonio, Olga Blanco-Carrión and Rossella Pannain 2018 Introduction: The complex task of studying metonymyConceptual Metonymy: Methodological, theoretical, and descriptive issues, Blanco-Carrión, Olga, Antonio Barcelona and Rossella Pannain (eds.), pp. 1–24 | Chapter
Barcelona, Antonio 2011 The conceptual motivation of bahuvrihi compounds in English and SpanishCognitive Linguistics: Convergence and Expansion, Brdar, Mario, Stefan Th. Gries and Milena Žic Fuchs (eds.), pp. 151–178 | Article
This chapter investigates a representative sample of English and Spanish bahuvrihi compounds (BCs). The main thesis is that, although BCs are motivated by the overriding metonymy characteristic property for category, the property itself can be conceptualized “literally” (as in humpback or dos… read more
Barcelona, Antonio 2011 Reviewing the properties and prototype structure of metonymyDefining Metonymy in Cognitive Linguistics: Towards a consensus view, Benczes, Réka, Antonio Barcelona and Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez (eds.), pp. 7–58 | Article
Building on previous research (Barcelona, 2002, 2003), the author carefully discusses and takes a stand on the issues he finds problematic in the standard cognitive linguistic notion of metonymy. These include, among others, the status of metonymy as a mapping, as a stand-for relationship, as a… read more
Barcelona, Antonio and Javier Valenzuela 2011 An overview of cognitive linguisticsCognitive Linguistics: Convergence and Expansion, Brdar, Mario, Stefan Th. Gries and Milena Žic Fuchs (eds.), pp. 17–44 | Article
This chapter provides a survey of cognitive linguistics (CL). It presents the historical and intellectual context leading to its emergence as a reaction against generativism and extreme modularism. The chapter describes the main theoretical and methodological tenets of CL (non-modularism,… read more
Barcelona, Antonio, Réka Benczes and Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez 2011 IntroductionDefining Metonymy in Cognitive Linguistics: Towards a consensus view, Benczes, Réka, Antonio Barcelona and Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez (eds.), pp. 1–6 | Miscellaneous
Barcelona, Antonio 2010 Metonymic inferencing and second language acquisitionApplied Cognitive Linguistics in Second Language Learning and Teaching, Littlemore, Jeannette and Constanze Juchem-Grundmann (eds.), pp. 134–155 | Article
The article is a reflection on the various areas of cognitive linguistic research on metonymy that are of potential relevance for SLA. Three of them are particularly relevant: (1) research on metonymy-guided inferencing; (2) research on metonymy-based lexical polysemy, and (3) research on… read more
Barcelona, Antonio 2009 Motivation of construction meaning and form: The roles of metonymy and inferenceMetonymy and Metaphor in Grammar, Panther, Klaus-Uwe, Linda L. Thornburg and Antonio Barcelona (eds.), pp. 363–401 | Article
Barcelona, Antonio 2008 The interaction of metonymy and metaphor in the meaning and form of ‘bahuvrihi’ compoundsAnnual Review of Cognitive Linguistics: Volume 6, Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco José (ed.), pp. 208–281 | Article
This paper reports on ongoing work on a large sample of bahuvrihi compounds in English and Spanish. After a brief characterization of bahuvrihi compounds, distinguishing them from a similar type of exocentric compounds (V+O compounds), the goal of the paper is clearly stated, namely to answer a… read more
Barcelona, Antonio 2007 The role of metonymy in meaning construction at discourse level: A case studyAspects of Meaning Construction, Radden, Günter, Klaus-Michael Köpcke, Thomas Berg and Peter Siemund (eds.), pp. 51–75 | Article
The process of meaning construction, as understood by Panther and Thornburg(Panther 2005), namely the determination of both explicit and implicit meaning, is to a large extent guided or facilitated by conceptual metonymy. The previously published research of the author of this chapter on the… read more
Barcelona, Antonio 2003 Metonymy in cognitive linguistics: An analysis and a few modest proposalsMotivation in Language: Studies in honor of Günter Radden, Cuyckens, Hubert, Thomas Berg, René Dirven † and Klaus-Uwe Panther (eds.), pp. 223–255 | Article
Barcelona, Antonio 2003 The case for a metonymic basis of pragmatic inferencing: Evidence from jokes and funny anecdotesMetonymy and Pragmatic Inferencing, Panther, Klaus-Uwe and Linda L. Thornburg (eds.), pp. 81–102 | Article